The 2020 Carpex Challenge

Welcome to The 2020 Carpex Challenge.

Before I continue, let’s first congratulate our top performers from last year. Of the 40 PAX that participated, here’s how it ended up.

  • Highest Percentage Overall
    1st - Hi Liter
    2nd - Squatter
    3rd - Franklin
  • Level III
    1st - Banjo
    2nd - (tie) Red Ryder, WWW, Hello Kitty, Theisman
    3rd - Shut In
  • Level II
    1st - Sabre
    2nd - (tie) Term Paper, Peeping Tom
    3rd - Pierogi
  • Level I
    1st - Disco Duck
    2nd - Pet Sounds
    3rd - (tie) Jigglypuff, Frisco

(NOTE: Similar to how awards are given for races if you placed in the overall category or a higher level, your name was not included for the lower levels. This way, more PAX are recognized for their hard work.)

Now, on to 2020…For those that are new, or may not have participated in the past, let me tell you a little about The Challenge. It’s ultimate goal is to encourage you to accomplish things you may not have thought possible. It will not only encourage you to work harder physically but like everything we do in F3, it will challenge you in the other two Fs as well. Plus, it will motivate you to take advantage of all that Carpex has to offer.

Once again, this year we have 3 Levels. The ultimate goal would be to complete all 3 Levels, but we will be recognizing those that complete Levels 1, 2 and 3 individually as well. And please note that Level 1 has 3 Parts, and all 3 Parts must be completed to finish that level. You will find a very useful percentage guide at the end of the list which will keep track of your completion.

Most items on the list are self-explanatory, but in case you have questions, there is a 2nd tab titled “Notes” on the challenge sheet at the bottom left corner, and there you will find some helpful advice. PLEASE read this first.

Also, we have started a Slack Channel to discuss all things Challenge related, so please join it at #carpex-challenge. Or, please feel free to DM The Joker or YHC with any questions or concerns.

Finally, as you may have guessed, this is completed on the honor system. Mark off your accomplishments any way you want, but no one will be checking up on you. And please make sure you put down everything you’ve already accomplished, which may even include the New Year’s Day Convergence (Level 1 Part 3.) 

But other than typing your name and keeping up with your progress, please do not edit the list in any way. As new AOs pop up, or other items that need to be edited, I will take care of it and let everyone know.

So sign up, push yourself and let The Challenge Begin!
