The 2019 Carpex Challenge

Do you have a favorite restaurant that you go to?

If you do, you know that waiter whose section you sit in all the time? You know his name and he knows your name. You don’t even have to tell him your drink order, because he’ll bring it to you automatically. 

He’s such a great guy. 

You love that guy!

Then one day you go out to eat and that guy is gone. And there’s a new guy there named Steve. And you’re like “What’s with this new guy?” 

But then you realize he’s going to bring you your drink just the way you always get it, and it’s going to taste the same. And the next time you go, Steve remembers your name and you don’t even have to order your favorite drink, he’ll just bring it to you. And you realize, Steve is a good guy too.

Now I don’t know if this perfectly crafted literary technique is called a metaphor, simile, metonymy or something else. I will let Callahan answer that question.

What I do know is that in this story the old “waiter” is Term Paper (no offense) and the new waiter(s) are Disco Duck, The Joker and YHC and although we’re serving you your favorite drink 16 days late, here it is.

I present to you The 2019 Carpex Challenge.

This year’s challenge is different from the last two years, so I imagine those of you who fear change will not like it. But the rest of you will find that it has something for everyone, no matter where you are in your F3 Carpex Journey.

This year we have 3 Levels. The Ultimate Goal of the Challenge would be to complete all 3 Levels, but we will be recognizing those that complete Levels 1 and 2 as well. [And please note that Level 1 has 3 Parts, and all 3 Parts must be completed to finish that level.]

Plus, you will find a very useful chart at the end of the list which will keep track of your completion percentages.

Most items on the list are self-explanatory, but in case you have questions, there is a 2nd tab titled “Notes” on the sheet, and there you will find some helpful advice.

We have started a Slack Channel to discuss all things Challenge related, so please join it at #carpex-challenge.

Or, please feel free to DM Disco Duck, The Joker or myself with any questions or concerns.

Finally, as you may have guessed, this is completed on the honor system. Mark off your accomplishments any way you want, but no one will be checking up on you. And please make sure you put down everything you’ve already accomplished since January 1st.

Let the Challenge Begin!


P.S. Thanks Term. You’re still our favorite waiter.

See also