That's Ten Enough

We had 18 PAX gather this morning at Tortoises to celebrate my 4 year F3 anniversary. I’m not sure if many of them were there to support me or if it was the fact that is was pouring rain yesterday and its going to be chilly with light snow tomorrow. 45 degrees with heavy mumblechatter. With 5:30 approaching, we started with the Pledge. Its a great way to start the day, and an even better way to get everyones attention.

With a quick jog around the parking lot, we circled up to get started.

Quick reminder: Spread out for safety! We are not out of the woods yet with this pandemic.

  • SSH
  • Good Mornings
  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Hillbilliles

Mosey to the front parking lot.

Thing 1: BLIMPS

  • 5 Burpees - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 10 Lunges - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 20 Imperial Walkers - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 30 Merkins - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 40 Plank Jacks - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 50 Squats - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 40 Plank Jacks - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 30 Merkins - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 20 Imperial Walkers - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 10 Lunges - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.
  • 5 Burpees - Take a lap. Plank hold for the 6.

Head back to the flag.

Thing 2: Step Up, Urkins, Dips

Partner up, partner 1 bear crawl the parking lot between the two islands, partner 2 find a picnic table. Flip flop through step up, urkins, and dips.

With some time on the clock, lap around the parking lot to ‘run out the clock’


  • LBC
  • Homer to Marge
  • Two Factor (my co-site Q at OTR) for some Dying Cockroaches
  • Earhart (founder of DP, the site I started at on 1/27/17) for some American Hammers
  • Crimson (the dude that convinced me to get up in the middle of the night to workout) for some eskimo merkins.


  • Lots of prayers this morning.
  • Dillion, Don Perron, Shilo, COVID, job searches, and more.


  • I bet there are not many 56 year olds that can do as many Merkins as Crimson. That dude is a beast!
  • Crimson: Thanks for dragging me out here 4 years ago!
  • During the first round of lunges I lost count and said thats 10 enough. Good summary of how I felt during this workout. It ended up being a bit of high tempo tortoises and the mumblechatter was STRONG.
  • The brotherhood of F3 is life changing. Crimson shared it with me. I shared it with Frisco, Trike, Two Factor, and Deuce (and a few that stopped attending). Make sure you are sharing with your network as well!

See also