That Rocked

A dark, but beautiful morning commenced at Bond Park as 22 pax gathered for another Phooenix beatdown.  After a quick disclaimer and the pledge of Allegiance we were off and running to the community center parking lot for some warm ups.

Warm up

Good Morning


Sir Fasio Arm Circles Forward and Reverse

Copperhead Squats

High Knees

Mountain Climbers

Thang 1

Staying in the plank position we did a 10 count around the entire circle (with 22 pax, that’s quite a long time. Just so you know..)

Thang 2

Lt. Dans around the big circle in the parking lot.

Thang 3

From there we moseyed down the big hill and up to the rock pile.  Partnering up, we selected one rock per pair.  Then we did a whole series of rock exercises.  Partner 1 ran down the path to the first trail marker and back, while Partner 2 did the first rock exercise, then flap jack.  Pairs that finished would wait for the six, so everyone could start the next round together.  We did a total of 6 rounds of the following rock exercises: Overhead Press, Tricep Extensions, Curls, Rock Squats, Rock Rows, Calf Raises.  While the pax waited for the six YHC threw in some marys to fill in the gaps (LBCs, WWIIs, Pickle Pounders).

Thang 4

After slow moseying back to the kiosk, we lined up for an Indian run up the hill, then 5 burpees at the top.  After that we continued the Indian run back to the flag, where Pierogi got the pax ready for the next thang with some merkins.

Thang 5

Bring Sally Up.  If you have not had the pleasure of doing this song routine, google it.  Normally done entirely with Merkins, YHC modified it a little by everyone switch to Boat Canoe then back to Merkins at each lyric change.


Reverse crunches, Dying cockroach, American Hammers.  Then the pax called Freddy Mercs, Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, Crab Cakes.  Then 10 Burpees, and 100’s.

Have a nice day!


Announcements: Odyssey Sat. Oct 5th, with a cookout to follow later at 3:30.  Sign up for both on Carpex website.

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Disco Duck and his family, continued prayers for Captain Kirk, for Deuce’s son having surgery Tues 10/1.

YHC took us out!

See also