Thanks for calling me a man

What a great morning for a Danger Zone workout. #MDZGA

FNG Dan joined us, the disclaimer was given and off we went. Quick Mosey around the pickle and circled up for the warm-up.

**Warm Up
**Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, SHH

Mosey down the trail to the big loop.

**Thang One
**Partner up - Partner Squats x 15, Partner Clap Merkins x 10, Bropees x5; Run in opposite direction and meet at the other end of the loop. P1 Hold Chill Cut Plank, P2 10 jumps over your partner then flap jack; Run back to the start. Repeato, Repeato

Mosey to Bridge. Bear Crawl across, then in BTTW position Handstand Walk back across. (This was no joke. Give it a try someday)

Mosey to soccer field.

**Thang Two
**Quarter Pounder - Sprint 25 yards, perform 25 Merkins. Run backwards to the start. Sprint 50 yards, perform 50 CDD. Run backwards to the start. Sprint 75 yards, perform 75(ish) Mountain Climbers. Run backwards to the start. Sprint 100 yards, perform 100 Jump Lunges. Run backwards to the start.

Freddy Mercury x20, 100s

Welcome VHS
ATT Run 3/2 0600 White Oak parking lot
The Mule 3/9 in Raleigh
P&P: Sooey, Crimson, Ausfhart, Pickles, Steroid

YHS took us out with a quote from Scottish novelist and physician A.J. Cronin

“Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley.
But always, if we have faith, a door will open for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us.”


See also