Thank You For Your Leadership

Sometimes jokes get out of hand. Like the way we all say “Thank you for your leadership” whether we’re being sincere or being silly. It was all grins and giggles until Hello Kitty announced that he was going to be on the radio taking part in a serious discussion about school choice in this great state of ours. Shut-in just had to say it. “If you fit in a TYFYL I’ll give you 100 burpees.”

You think Hello Kitty can’t fit it in? Hello yeah he can!

And that’s how we ended up with Shut-in, Ma Bell and YHC knocking out 100 burpees before beginning an epic beatdown at the finest morning AO in downtown Cary.


Mosey over to the bank and circle up for 5 burpees, 10 good mornings, 15 hillbillies, 20 standard merkins and 25 side straddle hops.

The Thang

Partner up, nothing matters. P1 runs around the bank while P2 AMRAPs merkins, flap jack and repeato until both partners have done two laps.

Repeato with monkey humpers.

Repeato with LBCs but run in the other direction. Some PAX are unable to follow instructions so let’s enjoy some bonus burpees.

Repeato with plank jacks.

Repeato with hand release merkins and run in the original direction.

To celebrate Yoga Mat’s recovery from a snake bite we’ll do some copperhead squats. Yoga Mat says he jumped when he got bit, so we’ll do some more copperhead squats, this time with a jump.

Some of the PAX don’t know who Steve Earle is so let’s enjoy more bonus burpees.

Indian run to the pocket park and stay with your partner. P1 bearcrawls across and back while P2 AMRAPS dips, two rounds each.

Repeato with lunge walks across and AMRAP step-ups.

Indian run back to FUMC, and Billy run back to the flag.


Circle up for LBCs, box cutters, dying cock-a-roaches and Have A Nice Day.


Count-a-rama:  21 Name-a-rama:  6 RESPECTs, 14 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for those dealing with health issues, including Bartman’s father, Ma Bell’s mother and YHC’s M BOM:  YHC took us out


Thanks to Hermes, Hello Kitty and Shutty Cakes for all they contributed to this morning’s EC burpeefest. Three High Impact Men I’m proud to call brothers. Thank you for your leadership.

Thanks also to everyone who stood or sat around and watched us. Espeically you Callahan, you were my inspiration.

We have EC runs, we have EC pull-ups, and now we have EC burpees. It’s a thing, y’all.

So good to have Yoga Mat back out there with us.

Hi-Liter thinks he can bait YHC, but he cannot.

Nice to see last week’s FNGs Bromane and Wallaby coming back for more.

Burt was nice enough to drop off his bag of tanks on his way to Raleigh this morning.

YHC was too gassed after the EC burpees to do a Tank Top Thursday quality check, but I think we were below 100% today. There should have been more bonus burpees handed out. I blame the site Q’s, tighten up, fellas.

It was an honor to lead you fine men this morning.

See also