Thank you for your high-tempo leadership or Not

Date:   July 23, 2018

Weather:  71 degrees, humid, rain over night, heat lightening, dry (just like the bite).

Yesterday morning I noticed that the Q for K-Nite was open.  Saw this as an opportunity to lead and more importantly to write the three Back Blasts I owed the men before I Q’ed again.   Wrapped them up yesterday and planned yet another vanilla workout.

16 Pax answered the bell for another in a long line of vanilla clusters.   FYI.  In order to make BB writing easier I will doing the following workout every time I Q (hmmm IQ?)    Solid group of dudes this am ready to get their week started right.

Warm up:  Lap around the lot.  Prisoner Run Style.  Circle up.   Sir Fazio Arm Circles, SSH, Plank Jacks, SSH, King David Kicks or NOT.  Not.   Count off.  16.   4 Groups of 4.     4 Man Indian Run around the lake….or NOT.   My workout clock said this would not work so the Indian Run was truncated after about 1/4 mile.    Halt.  Head to the base of the medium size hill by Koka Booth.    Circle up for King David Kicks….we did 10 or so and I was called Hot Spot.  We stopped.

Thang:    Set up of ManMaker Ladders (may be a new signature move) up the hill.   Run to the top.  1 ManMaker composed of 1 Merkin, 1 Plank Jack, 1 Jump, 1 Clap.  Prisoner run to the bottom (love ya Half).  Plank it out.  10 Merkins for Ma Bell and the ASP crew.   Back to the top.  2 ManMakers composed of 2 Merkins, 2 Plank Jacks, 2 Jumps, 2 Claps.   Prisoner run to the bottom.  10 Merkins.   We did this 5 times and finished at the bottom.   We even discussed CD’s Favorite Golf Course….hmmm…see SNS BB posted yesterday.

4 man indian run to the parking lot.   Was originally going to be around the lot, but we truncated it again.

Set of suicides in the lot.   3 light poles.

Line up for a set of parking lot, snake, Jack Webbs.  Lots of discussion throughout about “Dry Bites”.    We good…Yoga Mat.  Glad it was dry.     Plank Position.   1 Merkin, 4 “arms in the air”, run to the end of the lot then 2 and 8,  prison run down the next part of the lot (like a snake fantasy draft) then 3 and 12….and on and on to 9 and 36.  Then we run to the starting point in the lot for 10 and 40.

Mary:  Low slow flutters, Dolly and Rosalita…or NOT.


Count-a-rama and Name-a-Rama

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