Thank you for your [Carpex] leadership [challenge]

Here’s a dang shame, but one I’m HIM enough to admit: it took me until this morning to post at Hells Bells, and I showed up to check a box for the Carpex leadership challenge.

But in the process, I fell in love with one of the finest got danged AO’s in all of Carpex. Seriously, this place is the cat’s PJs.

YHC, Snots and Yahoo… or was it Wahoo… I never know… took off for some EC. Other HIM/HIDA like Red Ryder and Theismann also ran in or over and did some ECP. Solid pre-game activty, regardless.

Now, let’s get swoll.

The Warm-Up:

  • Run the pickle and circle up for a whole mess of stuff
  • Warm-ups ended with an ascending burpee count from 1 up to 5. Red Ryder loved it. Red Baron would have approved.

The Thang:

  • Kettle bells were all dropped at station 1
  • Cinder blocks were all dropped at station 2
  • And the pull-up bars remained firmly planted for station 3
  • Pax counted off and went to their assigned station and then rotated through for 5 kettle bell swings, 5 cinder block goblet squats and 5 pull-ups
  • Rinse and repeat for 10 (bell and block) and another 5 pull-ups in a different arm position. Go up to 15 and then 20.
  • Once done, we gotta bring it back down to 5.
  • Circle the pax up and have them put a cinder block or kettle bell above their head for a 5 count. Alternate between 5 count holds and 1 burpee. We did 5 rounds of that.
  • Move the pax over to the short hill for a set of 5’s. 5 merkins at the top and 5 jump squats at the bottom for 5 rounds.
  • Back over for Mary and we done!

COT: 23, YHC took us out with prayers for our brothers who are healing w/ injuries and for our brothers to have some peace and time to unplug during the Holidays.


  • Was uplifting and motivating to see our boy Ausfaht out there getting after it!
  • Love this AO, for real I’ll be back!!
  • Until next time, attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man. MIAGD!

See also