Temperature starting with a 2!

It started out cold, but the Pax created some body heat in the gloom - good work especially on those broad jump burpees on the frosted tundra.

Warm up (10x for all)

  • Circle parking lot (2x)
  • Hillbilly
  • Good Mornings
  • Plank Jack’s
  • Peter Parkers
  • Mountain climbers
  • SSH


Go to field, get rocks (ego)

  • Count off by fours
  • Four corners - Rock row, curls, shoulder press, skull crushers (x10)
  • Long side - hi knees
  • Short side - broad jump burpees
  • Get all four corners done
  • Put back rocks.

Mosey to play ground - remember your number

  • 1s 10 pullups
  • 2s 10 dips
  • 3s  10 decline merkins
  • 4s 10 LBCs
  • Repeato

Mosey to bb courts

One jump rope / Many exercises -  each Pax picks an exercise for the group to do while they jump rope 25 times.

Mosey back to parking lot with a little karioke


  • J-Lo
  • Pickle Pounders
  • Low Slow Flutter
  • Boat Canoe (Thanks Biner)
  • Don’t Cross Dolly
  • Jail Break to top of Parking Lot


Prayers for Pierogi’s Grandmother, Transportation for Yogi (offering?), Wilber healing, Parker’s Dad

PAX (A good looking group, at least until it got light)

Pivot, Pierogi, Parker, Snots, Goose, MaBell, Biner, Banjo, Squatter, Bogo, Flacco, YHC