Tears of Pain

A beautiful, God-given morning greets 18 HIM for an impromptu, Earhart beatdown (get better Riptide).  Most of the PAX show-up on time, so quick disclaimer and pledge allegiance then a quick mosey around the big parking lot.  Circle up for:   

Warm Up

Good Mornings

Combo of shoulder work including arm circle twirlies, overhead claps, behind the back claps

Cotton Pickers


The Thang

Done with warm-ups, each PAX grab a bell, Sega grab the 15lb medicine ball and head to the back shelter.  2 HIM, WWW and Shut-In, peel off from some bruisers work.  On the way, Q asks the PAX to perform some round-the worlds and overhead carries since, well, it is a kettle-bell workout.  We finally arrive at the teardrop, a weird-shaped “pickle” in the back of the park.  Now the fuin begins with some work around the “pickle”, stopping halfway to mix things up.  It is a little far to do any kind of bell workout all the way around the “pickle”, at least for this PAX.  First two rounds included curls for girls, triceps extensions, halos, and overhead presses, with squat holds at the top and bottom of the pickle while the six make their way around.

First rounds done, time for a break, running around the parking lot again and finishing with some SSH.  Wait, weren’t some of the PAX late, 5 burpees OYO.  Next round included figure eights, more curls, and swings. 

Time for some shelter work so we drop the bells and head to the shelter for a round of left-right step-ups, dips, dirkins, irkins (both table and bench).  Then a quick mosey around the amphitheater, so nice out why not and the site-Qs had automatic lights installed at the path and stairs for those, like me, who are less coordinated.

Back in the shelter for one more round of step-ups, dips, dirkins and irkins.  Done here, back to our bells, because this is a kettle-bell workout.  Time to head back to the flag so we do one more exercise, one-arm lifts, half way, squat for the six, then overhead again back to the flag where we meet up with our bruiser brothers.

Circle up for




Flutter kicks


Dying cockroach

All with your kettlebell because, well…..

Bell tolls 6:15 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  19 PAX

It was an honor lead a great group of HIM

See also