Team FOD

21 Pax dodged the rain and puddles to post at Field of Dreams this morning.

YHC used to be a FOD regular.  YHC even started the FOD Twitter handle, that’s how tight they were!

Then more sites joined Tuesdays… Then a kitchen remodel relocated the family to far east borders of Cary… And just like that YHC’s regularity vanished… Franklin even sent his thugs, Nature Boy and Badlands to YHC’s house to repo his #TeamFOD shirt!!

But in every hero’s story there’s a point of redemtion and that is where we begin today!  YHC returned (by self enforcement via the Q sheet) to the bead-filled turfs of T. Brooks Park.  Back to Lake Ma Bell, back to Callahan killing Sky Blue, back to FNG Driveby, back to Franklin’s shoes coming untied when exercises got tough, back to Ma Bell posting instead of Q-ing FWD, back to where YHC VQ’d, back to …ok you get the point, it’s 0545 let’s go!

0545 Disclaimer, no FNGs

Warm Up

  • Good Mornings, Hillbillys, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Mountain Climbers, Quick Feet

Thang 1

  • Run through the dark to the mailbox hill
  • 3 DEEP squats at ever light pole and mailbox, backwards run, mozy back down hill, plank hold
  • 5 DEEP merkins at every light pole and mailbox, reguLAR run, mozy back down hill, squat hold
  • 5 DEEP squats etc,
  • 8 merkins etc  audibled

Thang 2

  • Grab a rock, head to neighboring parking lot, make two lines facing each other
  • 10 curls, 10 rock extensions straight out, 10 shoulder presses
  • Plank hold in line while 1 by 1 pax pick up their rock and run to the end of the line
  • Repeato the rock exercises adn then the plank hold line

Thang 3

  • Head to the turf, watch out for Angry Shutty, line up on the sideline
  • Sprint down and back
  • 10 merkins, 10 aussie mtn climbers, 10 squats
  • Sprint down and back
  • 10 merkins, 10 aussie mtn climbers, 10 squats
  • Sprint down, mozy back
  • 5 box jump burpees over the line
  • Sprint down, mozy back
  • 10 box jump burpees over the line


  • Head to the basketball court and circle up for Mary, 5 mins remaining
  • 10 LBCs, hold it
  • 10 Dying cockroaches, hold it
  • 10 Rosalitas, hold it
  • 10 Freddy Mercs, hold it
  • 10 Hello Dollys, hold it
  • 10 Low Fast Flutters
  • Recover, recover


  • Great to get back to FOD and meet new guys that typically stay in the FOD, FC, Tortoise, DP quadrant.
  • Had a tough time with names of 21 this go round.  I’ll be back soon.  I don’t like not knowing people’s names!!
  • TCLAPS to PBX for rockin Site Q duties out there.  Well done!
  • Just want to encourage everyone to continue to venture out where they don’t normally go so you can meet guys you only read about in backblasts!  1st F is good and all but don’t limit yourself to just that.  Yeah you might run in to a Callahan or Flip Flop but don’t let that bad first impression ruin it for you.  There are actually good guys all across Carpex.
  • For the record I’ve been back from vacation and it has rained every. single. day. I’ve been back…..

Peace out Shut-In

See also