Taygetos Grippers 6 May 2021

AO: Taygetos

QIC: Wrench

PAX: Disco Duck, Geek Squad, Wrench

DATE: 6 May 2021

I saw the Q was open for Taygetos for this morning, and I grabbed it up. I was wanting to do a grip strength dominated workout for Spartan/OCR style stuff, but with a potentially pulled quad, was going to leave the running for the El Cap guys, or for next week. DD didn’t mind it, at least so far.

Lookout led the 7 guys at El Cap/Taygetos in the Pledge to Old Glory, then went off to do whatever those runner guys do. I picked up my “Big Stupid B*tch”, the 120 lb sandbag, and we made our way to the playground. Pulled a Geek Squad move and used the railing like a Z Wall, walking down the railings.

At the playground, found the bar about chest height and dropped the BSB. Started with some Control Freak Pull Ups, on my up and on my down, resulting in longer than usual holds at the top.

Thang 1: Circuit: Bag over bar x1, 5 pull ups, run the monkey bars, 5 burpees. Repeat until complaints start coming in, then another round or 2. I think we did 6 rounds.

Thang 2: Army crawl the soccer field. Like bear crawls, but lower butt and higher suck. Quad wasn’t happy, but I was when we got to the end.

Thang 3: dead hangs up and down for the pull up. First round counted to 5, DD said if we went to 6 there could be merlot. Next round went to 10, but no merlot.

Shared farmers carry of BSB back to parking lot. Everyone got about equal distance carrying that stupid thing.

Pax called Mary: Scooba bhudda/crab cake combo, burpees, GS called a 5 exercise gauntlet that included LSF, FM, and some other stuff I would not care to remember.

El Cap runners came in. Shared COT.

Announcements: VHS Honor Phoenix Q Saturday. TCP

Prayers/Praises: Continued prayers for Liverpool and family.

Disco Duck took us out.