Tank Tops are Easy

Like all Thursdays, I woke up and grabbed my Pineapple tank top (it’s a real crowd pleaser) and headed out the door. As you know, Carpex Thursdays are of the tank top variety and in these peak heat and humid North Carolina mornings, they’re the next best thing to going full Headroom and rocking nips out. I rolled up to the flag early and was pumped to see HIM after HIM stroll in rocking their tank tops too. It was going to be a great morni…

Wait, what, no…

That’s when I saw two sad, sad soldiers walk up with full on shoulder to elbow coverage. As we continue to strive for 100% tank top commitment on Thursdays, I was left with no choice but to start the workout with penalty burpees. Kudos to Oxtail for rolling his sleeves up as he came out of the car and attempting to sneak one by us, but you weren’t getting away with that nonsense, and Ramsay, you know better. I mean, everyone has that nasty shirt in the bottom of your drawer with brown pit stains - cut out the stains and make your own tank top, it’s easy (see instructions in picture). We knocked out our penalty burpees (5x for each set of sleeves), said the pledge, and left for our adventure.

Short mosey across Olive Chapel to the double-office building complex on the left. Found a lovely parking lot and made a round shape for warm up.

Warm Up

  • Crimson Good Mornings with left/right holds
  • Smurf Jacks
  • Plank with Wax On, Wax Offs

Lunge walk up the small hill beside the first office building and mosey to the next building for people’s chair while awaiting Thang 1 instructions.

Thang 1

Yahoo decided to make up a pre-blast on what he thought I’d be doing, so I had to find a way to fit in a little Iron Pax action since that’s what he threw out there. My instructions were high quality and long-winded (I believe Chicken Little is currently writing a cliff notes version of them), but essentially we did…

10 Burpees to start…

Parking lot suicides with Iron Pax week 0 workouts at each set of spaces. Inchworm to first set of parking spaces, perform exercise, mosey back. Repeat but mosey to second set of spaces after inchworm, perform round 2 exercise, mosey back. Rinse and repeat until all 4 rounds are completed.

Round 1: 20 Bonnie Blairs

Round 2: 20 Merkins

Round 3: 20 Big Boy Sit-ups

Round 4: 20 Squats

10 count for recovery after we sprinted back to start following round 4 and then mosey over to Publix parking lot.

Thang 2

Publix parking lot is beautifully set up for a little 4 corners action…

Start with 20 Merkins at corner 1, mosey pace to corner 2 and perform 20 Wide-arm Merkins, 60% pace to corner three and perform 20 Diamond Merkins, 80% pace to corner 4 and perform 15 of all three styles then 100% pace (otherwise known as a sprint/Billy Run/All You Got) back to the start.

Repeat, but drop Merkin count down to 15 at each station and 10 of each at corner 4.

Took a moment to rediscover our breath and shake the coca-cola out of our arms then mosey back towards the flag with a pit stop at the sidewalk railing for Russian, I mean, Australian Pull-ups. 20 OYO and head back.


In cadence…

  • 20 Oblique Crunches (left side, strong side)
  • 20 LBCs
  • 20 Oblique Crunches (right side)
  • Homer to Marge (10 w/ left leg raised, then flapjack)
  • Pterodactyl (Piriformis) Stretch
  • Runner’s Stretch
  • Have a nice day!

See also