Tank tops and merit badges

I was the Scout Master for Thursday’s Scout Week themed workout.  As we do, we started out with the pledge of allegiance. Then we mosey to the bank for some:


Good Mornings IC

Sir Fiazo Arm Circles , forward and reverse IC

Merkins, on my down, holding for a 10 count after each set of 5

Warm-up complete, we run over to the pocket park behind Page-Walker where we start working on our first merit badge, Animal Science!

Thang 1

The PAX broke up into groups of three.  One partner on one side of the park starts doing burpees, the partner on the other side does merkins, the third partner bear crawls from one partner to the next.  Then you rotate.  Everyone crawls three times.  The grass was nice!

Thang 2

Alas, Dora was lost!  We can all work on our “Search and Rescue” Merit badge while we try and find her.  Should we keep our groups of three?  Sure, what could go wrong?

100 Australian pull ups, 200 star jumps, 300 LBC’s and one guy runs the pickle.  I’m happy to report, Dora was found safe a sound.

Thang 3

On to the parking deck to work on our Climbing Merit Badge.  Again, let’s stay in our groups of three.   One partner at the bottom so the steps at the parking deck doing Peter Parkers, one partner at the top of the stairs doing plank jacks, one partner running from partner one to partner two.  Run the stairs three times and finish up top.

Thang 4

When our troop runs out of activities but there is still time in the meeting, the scouts do something dangerous called “across the ocean”.  A group runs from one side of the gym to the other while a second group tries to tackle them.  We did an F3 version of that.  Partner one does peoples chair on one side of the parking deck, partner two does balls to the wall on the other side of the parking deck, and partner three runs from one to the other, then they switch.

We moseyed back from the deck to the church pausing for a quick billy run to the flag.

We had just enough time for a little Homer to Marge and we were done.  On time.  Unlike many scout meetings.


Memorial Day Convergence at Field of Dreams starting at 7 AM  Veterans will lead the workout and there will be fellowship afterwards!  Bring a few bucks to kick in for food.


Burt’s B-I-L John (did I get that right?) who is starting chemo.  ChedderBo celebrated that his daughter had a medical scare that turned out to be nothing. Saban asked us to remember all the students, teachers, and parents gearing up for EOG’s and everything that is involved in that.


  • It would appear that some of our PAX do not cotton with my artistic license when calling exercises.  Fortunately, they are gentle in their corrections.  Alas, an artist must be persecuted for his work to grow.
  • I was going to do some work at the train station for our Railroad Merit Badge but I didn’t think I had enough time and the trail station and the train station parking lot looked busy.
  • Burt suggested TTT stands for Tank Top Thursday, not Cut The Sleeves Off Your T-Shirt Thursday UNLESS your T-shirt has a beard and a belt on it.  Nicely played Chedder Bo
  • Speaking of Chedder Bo, according to the PAX, he is the reason IKEA is not coming to Cary.
  • I really like breaking the PAX up into three’s but I need to work on a few details to really make that work.  You will see it again
  • I also really like the word “resume”.  You will see that again too!
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead!  Maybe it’s my age, maybe it’s my imagination, or maybe it’s the fact I am stepping up and leading a workout from time to time that I am more inclined to step up and lead in other aspects of my life.  Personally, I think it may be the latter.

See also