Tank Top Thursday at BO

DATE: 2023-02-23
AO: Bradford’s Ordinary (Carpex)
Q: Pigpen
PAX: Coco Crisp, Poncherello, Redenbacher, Hello Kitty, Magnolia, Callahan, Riptide, Sabre, Shoe Horn, Coney
FNGs: None
SSH x20 IC, IW x20 IC, Fazio F x10 IC R x10 IC, Merkins x10, stretching, Mountain Climbers x10 IC


  1. The Wendell Gee around First Baptist Church
    Partner up and run in opposite directions. When you meet, P1 squat holds while P2 does 5 burpees. Flapjack. Repeat until each partner has completed 25 burpees. Finish running your loop and squat hold at start for the six. Round two: Plank hold and Merkins x10, up to 50 merkins each. Round three: 6 inch leg hold and LBCs x10, up to 50 LBCs each.
  2. Stationary Elevens (Left Right Step Ups/Dips) and Bulgarian Split squats at Fidelity Bank (x10 each leg)
  3. Sevens up the parking lot hill back at start (Monkey Humpers/Star Jumps)

PAX-led Mary
Pigpen: E2K x10/side, Hello Kitty: Freddie Mercurys x10 IC, Callahan/Coney: Hello Dolly x10/IC, Riptide: Boat Canoe x10, Coco Crisp: Homer to Marge x10

Prayers for those dealing with marital strife. Prayers for those new to the area who need support. Prayers for babies on the way! Prayers spoken and unspoken.

Hello Kitty suggested renaming the Wendell Gee to Georgia Pine, after the song Meet in the Middle. 10 points to Gryffindor for Coco Crisp recognizing my workout from my backblast for The Forge on Tuesday. Gifts of hygiene products and beer for the Q. Always a blast at BO!

See also