Taking care to not re-injure an already ailing body with #ao-travel-ir-bruisers at #ao-fri-dangerzone

It started out a nice cool morning. I met up with QIC Franklin and he asked if I was going to be able to stay with the pax. I said I would try but eventually catch-up if I could not stay with the pace.

As we started, Burt (#HIM) hung back with me. We kept a slow mosey until my knee started barking at me so we broke into a quick walk. Burt decided to do light pole to light pole and I agreed resoundingly.

One the first exercise, squats, Burt’s back yelled back at him. We decided at that time, we would not be able to meet up with the pax who was on their way to the Veterans Memorial Park. We continued our LPtLP routine.


Squats, merkins, modified burpees, squat hold, inchworm merkins, plank extensions, irkins and dips.

On our way back, we hooked back up with the pax on a slow mosey and lunge walk back to the start. I was able to keep up. Back at COT, Franklin and the pax allowed me the honor to brief to them about my military career. As I mentioned my first assignment (Clark AB, Philippines) and it being the assignment where I met my M, I was asked to tell the story. Morale of the story: you never know who you will meet when you pick-up the phone. The good Lord blessed me with my M of 29 years and counting.

I continued my military career journey. I was happy to have served and would do it again.

Thank you Burt for the fellowship. I’ll pray for quick healing on your back. Thank you Franklin and the pax to allow me the honor to share my military career story.

You all (F3 Brothers) have been a godsend and I’m so grateful to have found you all. Everyone around me has truly benefitted from F3. God bless and SYITG.

See also