Tabata Hells Bells

Warm Up Started off with Good Mornings and then used Kettlebells to do Halos (10 each direaction) , lunges with KB overhead each side, KB squat holds and merkins


Mosied to PU bar and did 10 PUs and 20 merkins

The Thang


6 rounds with 6 reps each (20 seconds work and 10 sec recovery)

  • Kettle Bells (Brought the 55, 65 and 75 lb for Intimidator)
  • Punching Bag/Burpees alternate
  • Erkins using Push Up racks
  • Jump Rope
  • 20# Wall Ball toss
  • Turkish Get Up (Unfortunately Joe Smith was not there to enjoy his favorite exercise)

Mary KB Swings, American Hammer using KB, Homer to Marge, Diamond Merkins,  Have A Nice Day

COT Prayers for Heisenburg with job interviews and Cataracts traveling Praise for me getting engaged over weekend

NMS – Gate didnt open until 5:28 leaving little time to unload the home gym from truck – Mumble Chatter was quieter than normal throwing the Q off

-Qing is harder than it looks but gets better with practice.


YHC took us out with reminder to be grateful for blessings and to do something this Thanksgiving to help out those that are less fortunate.