T.E.A.M. (or M.E.A.T. or M.E.T.A.) or whatever

Thursday morning in downtown Cary’s sweatbox (parking garage), a feisty crew of 8 did some stuff.

0545 Circle Up, Pledge (led by guest Q Hi-Liter from the neighboring AO-Rubberband Man)

Mosey to the bank for some warmups - the usual (Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, King Davids, yada yada yada)

To the parking deck!

TEAM thang - partner up and AMRAP the called exercise while your partner runs up a level, across and back down; flip flop

  • T: Turk ’n Burp - turkish getup and a burpee
  • E: Escalators - lunge walk up stairs, squat at each step
  • A: Ascending Testicles - 15 degrees; 45 degrees; handstand; 5-10 presses at each
  • M: Monkey Jumpers - 3 humpers, jump
  • REPEATO…this time everybody together, stop at A, then hustle back to the flag for the suprise M exercise
  • Circle Merk (or is it Merkle Jerk?) - see Slack for photo evidence


Count-A-Rama: 8 BO + a bunch of RBMs


Announcements: Haven House boxing match 10/3, see Slack for tickets

Prayers: Greenbow’s daughter-relief from migraines and rest/stress relief for Greenbow and his M


  • You guys are hilarious. Thanks for keeping me laughing.

See also