Switchback BLIMPS

2 fresh, clean, bright, pink head bands provided by Bert. Hey do you know who signed up to Q? Really? Hey do you want to do it? No, I got it. Does anyone know what time it is? Thanks Smokey. 2 Minute Warning, 45 Second Warning… Disclaimer was given for 2 FNGs. Jog around pickle, circle up for warmup- SSH, GM, Hill Billies, Merkins, Mtn Climbers Run to bridge, inverted sunrise to wait for the six. Run to bottom of switchbacks on other side of bridge. Inflating BLIMPS with an Inflating Run: 5 Burpees at first switchback 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges back at bottom 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imp Walkers at 2nd switchback 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 IW, 20 Merkins at bottom 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 IW, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks at bridge 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 IW, 20 Merkins, 25 PJs, 30 Star Jumps at bottom Plank hold with feet on the rail for the six 20 Monkey Humpers to the north bound sad clowns on US-1. Run to Rock Pile, jog back to pick up six. Partner up, get an Ego rock Partner Rock Dora - 100 Curls, 200 Tricep Extension, 300 Rock Rows P2 - do the concrete ball weave and run around pickle. Q didn’t have a watch or a well timed plan this morning, we ran out of time, audible, jog back to crosswalk Bearcrawl Billy Run back to flag. Count-a-rama - 15 Name-a-rama - Welcome FNGs High Tower and Whirlie Announcements: An OTB convergence on ITB at Pullen Park this Saturday at 6:30 AM. Hosted by F3 North Wake, F3 South Wake and F3Carpex. Prayer Requests: For our missing Nantan - Ma Bell. We hope he is okay. YHC took us out.

NMS: I was so nervous for my first Q and wrote everything out on a Weinke and planned it all out to the very last minute and practiced cadence counting and didn’t sleep well the night before and I have now pulled off my first true full Callahan! 2 weeks in a row the FWD Q was MIA at 0545. At least Water Wings showed up by 0546 last week… Seriously, I hope Ma Bell is okay. I am signed up to Q FOD next week. Does anyone want to meet for breakfast next Tuesday at around 5:45? Great work FNGs! My M and her small group have done some great EH work on their worse halves: Joe Smith, Oofta, YHC Hermes, GMO, Mufasa, Pantone and FNG Whirlie.

As Callahan so eloquently stated in a BB last week, let this mornings work out be the least of the “great things” you are going to do today!

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