Swimming laps

YHC had it all planned out.  Looked months in advance (well, maybe weeks) to find THE Monday that would mark my 2nd F3versary.  Hotspot’s big suicide was my first introduction to an F3 workout.  It didn’t kill me, but it was pretty close.  Then, I realized, oh crud I have a weeklong project at work that starts THE SAME DAY that I had signed up to Q.  Frantic, hurried inquiries with Hotspot and McCants to see if we could swap up the order.  Finally, all was settled; McCants graciously took 6/12, I had 6/19, and Hotspot took 6/26.  All was right again.

Or so I thought.  Turns out running 11 miles on a warm humid Sunday, then running in 3.5 with Michelob on Monday, don’t set one up for success in Qing A-Team.

Met Michelob on Apex Peakway, then we high-stepped it through the humidity towards ACP.  Last-minute recall by YHC of “oh crap, what if the gate’s open and they all drive in?!” prompted a while-running tweet to stay outside the gates.

Anyway, we arrived to find a nice crowd already assembled outside the gates, and no Cheddar Bo in sight.  YHC’s coffee and energy gel were starting to kick in, and things were looking good.  And as I looked around I was the only one already DRENCHED in sweat.  Not good.

Gave the 3 minute, then 1 minute warning, and the MacGregor crew arrived, sauntering up.  Gave them a countdown, then we were off.  Catch up fellas!


Jog to the lot on the left and circle up down low to avoid scaring the walker.


  • SSH x 24
  • GM x 6
  • Windmill x 6
  • 10 burpees OYO for Jiggly Puff’s arrival
  • Hillbilly x 6
  • IW x 6

Follow me down thisaway.  We’re going exploring.


  • Run to trail behind lower baseball fields, bear crawl across bridge 1, crawl bear across bridge 2
  • Plank road when you get out of the woods, and stay there.  6-count around the horn for all present (28!) with various variations on the plank (chilcutt, left arm, right arm, legs, etc.)


  • Run (yes Bartman!) to powerline hill,  squat hold for a 1-2 countoff
  • Partner up (size matters) – partner carry/wheelbarrow (mix it up) to halfway, then 24 merkins/lunge walk catch me if you can back to the bottom (flapjack when caught)
  • Backwards run up, then karaoke left/right, regular, recover in the grass at the top (squat hold)


  • Run to speedbump at top of hill-base of operations – 24 sumo squats to start each round
  • To speedbump at bottom – 12 plankjacks, back to top, 24 sumo squats
  • To basketball court with 12 plankjacks on the way for peoples’ chair while the six arrive
  • Balls to the wall 12 count down the line.  Yes, 12!  Not 5!!
  • To our favorite shelter, take a rest while all arrive…12 dips, 12 irkins, 12 derkins, then let’s move


  • Run through the trail to pop back out at the bottom of the hill, squat hold for the six, then press on to the other side, trail back up past the playground/bathrooms.  It was about this point that WaterWings asked me if I’d been swimming before posting this morning, I was SOAKED.  I think I’d have been less drenched if I HAD been swimming.  Ugh.

Circle up for Mary

WWIIs x12 while all arrive

Low slow flutters x 12

LBC x 12

Something else x 12?  Can’t remember…starting to black out ;)

Out of time and YHC WAY outta gas

2.03 miles covered in workout (or 2.05 if you’re Hotspot)



Safe travels for Etoufee, heading back South

Durham Bulls F2 outing Sunday, July 23, 5:05 first pitch, see Burt for deets (or check out the Carpex Chronicle)

FIA starting up at Bond Park July 22nd, see Earhart for deets (also in the Chronicle)

Denise Moore 5K on June 24 (in the Chronicle as well)

Just…read the Nantan’s latest works in the Carpex Chronicle!



McCants’ family

Goose’s son

Others my hypoxic brain forgot



I really wish I remembered more of this one, but fellas I was whipped by the end.  Can’t tell you how many audibles I called, just to be able to hang in there.  Banjo, a few weeks ago, challenged me to shed the weinke.  Well, I pretty much did that on this one.  Not enough energy left to reach in the pocket for it after we left the shovel flag.   Wanted to explore the parts of the park I didn’t think we’d seen much, and goal accomplished.  The time spent on the powerline hill (greenway hill per McCants?) is a beast, and I really like incorporating it into my workouts.

What should have been a nice run home with Michelob turned into a long slow slog at 10:20/mile.  Sorry Michelob.  Wow, and I was zapped all day, just now recovering (Tuesday night).  Not the spring chicken I used to be…

Anyhow, these past two years have flown by and I feel like I’m still just scratching the surface of what F3 is all about.  I pledge to be more intentional in embracing all 3 Fs.  Also, a renewed effort to be present in the rest of YHC’s crazy life (reference Callahan’s post a few weeks back, and knowing what’s important).  Many thanks to Hotspot (and to Fault up in Raleigh) who EH’d me separately but simultaneously 2+years ago.  I’m grateful for each and every one of you, for pushing me physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I look forward to many more mornings in the gloom and other chances to fellowship with you all.

Old Maid out

See also