Sweet Pickles

This was my first ever posting at the infamous Lion’s Den. So, what better way to kick the tire than to Q?

Quick disclaimer (not really) and the pledge. Mosey through the back parking lot to the school entry – circle up and enjoy some Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s (front and back), SSHs, alternating leg kicks, and of course, Ernie Davis Heismans (Biner’s form is a work-of-art).

The Thang

  • Mosey to the first pickle – Lion’s Den has A LOT of pickles.

  • First verse: 4 laps of the pickle, with 10 merkins after each lap

    • Pick up the six, then to the curb for fast feet and low dip
  • Second verse: Same as the first…mosey to another pickle, this time looping in LBCs

    • Pick up the six, again, then to the curb for low, high kicks
  • Third verse: Same as the first and second…mosey to another pickle, this time introducing left-right step ups

    • Pick up the six, again, then squats and leg stretches
  • Fourth verse: Same as the first, second and third…mosey to another pickle, this time enjoying plank jacks

    • Pick up the six for two series of El Capitans and some painting of the lines
  • Mosey back to the flag for Mary (A-Hammers, Homer-to-Marges)

  • COT, YHC took us out

See also