Slippery When Delirious

Hey guys. What day is it? What time is it? I’ve lost all sense of reality at this point. I awoke, I think I put on underwear, and grab what smelled like a cleanish shirt. I miss my family. I miss the fartsack. But alas, I press on.

Q 8(ish) of 10(ish) awaits me at SWW and I can’t let the fellas think I’m getting beat down. Let’s get it!

A handful of HIMs approach the lot via foot after their EC run, and others on four wheels. We start at a RHC 0545.


  • Mosey to a back lot (Oofta and Cumulus join 0:45 behind schedule)
  • Quick feet, Curb Climbers, Quick feet, Curb Merkins
  • 10 Burpees OYO followed by Good mornings and Seal claps

The Thang:

  • We’re moving out for pearls on a string, running throughout all of H. Ritter Park stopping for:
    • V - V up roll up
    • A - American Hammer
    • N - Nolan Ryan
    • I - Iron Squats
    • L - LBCs
    • L - LBCs
    • A - American Hammer
  • Since we’re on the hoops court, split the pax into 2 groups of 9, on either end line:
    • Bear crawl to the middle for 10 partner merkins, lunge back
    • Backwards lunge to the middle for 10 partner WWIIs, lunge back
    • Bear crawl to the middle for 10 partner derkins, lunge back
  • While at the court, 1-5 on the Jack Webb before moseying over to the pavilion
    • L/R SU, Dips … over to the facility wall for B2W on 2-10 counts
    • L/R SU, Irkins … over to the facility wall for B2W on 2-10 counts
    • L/R SU, Dips … over to the facility wall for B2W on 2-10 counts
    • L/R SU, Irkins … over to the facility wall for B2W on 2-10 counts
  • Mosey to the b-ball court
    • Sideline of the court for b-ball sprint x 1
    • 6-8 on the Jack Webbs
    • B-ball sprint x 1
    • 9 on Jack Webbs
    • B-ball sprint x 1
    • 10 on Jack Webbs
    • B-ball sprint x 1


  • Joe Smith and Denali had a wonderful “heels to heavan” showdown
  • There was a boat canoe and some other stuff before we called it

COT: 18 strong, announcements abound and prayers for Disco’s M and Liverpool’s family (love you bro)

NMS: 2 more to go, fellas, gonna bring it at the Arena and finish strong at the Crick tomorrow. Coffee with Oofta was glorious.


See also