Sure felt like Krypton...

Disclaimer: YHC turns 45 tomorrow.  This all looked good on paper.  Y’all are in for an interesting week.

Awoke early, excited about putting into play the little plan I worked up over a celebratory fondue dinner Sunday night (during dinner my 2.0s were even demonstrating some of the workout to my M.  She was not impressed.)  On the drive to the AO, I thought (maybe I better go see that stealthy little bridge, make sure we can get across it).  Drove down Crescent Green, and there it was, covered in SN/ICE, along with much of the rest of the planned route. CRIKEY!  Anxiety up to about 8/10.

Drove on over to Regency, and just as I was about to commit to the parking lot, saw ICE all along the entrance.  I thought that we could all get in there, but getting out in 18F temps wasn’t likely.  So, a quick audible on my part and a drive up to the next lot (where Burt likes to start us).  Parked, jumped out, and ran down to the original lot…to find Squatter parked there in his SUV and Chinese Downhill backing in his shiny new Ford truck.  Me, out of breath, to CD: “I’m worried about the ice, I think we should move up to the other lot.”  CD: “Shoot, that ice is nothin’! My truck can handle that just fine”  A quick reminder by YHC that the 204k mile bimmer doesn’t do ice too well, so we audibled up to the other lot.  Set a few cones across the entrance, and I ran back up to the lot.  To find another 8-10 PAX had heeded my warnings sent hastily across GroupSlackTer (it’s a thing).

Planted the flag, circled up the PAX, made what seemed like too many announcements, and we were off.


Fellowship run back to the original AO for:

  • 45 SSH (about 20 of them Nature Boy style)
  • 15 Merkins IC

And off again for more running towards the lake.  No, no Polar Plunge…more warmups!

  • 10 Good Mornings IC(that felt REAL good)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers IC

Countoff 1s-2s, partner up with the other number, follow me

  • Gather at the corner for 15 Partner Clap Merkins

Start of a Thing:

Safely (yeah, in the crosswalk) cross Ederlee and hold up on the other side.

  • Partner chase all the way to the turnoff for Ritter Park (P1 “yog”, P2 5 Merkins then go get ’em)… PAX seemed to like the snowy greenway run

Got to Ritter and found the Shelter (Burt thinks 2nd F Qs need to consider this spot)

  • 15 Irkins IC
  • 15 ALRSU (watching Burt rock some Tae Bo moves on his table was a thing of beauty)
  • 15 Derkins IC
  • 15 Plank Jacks IC
  • 15 Irkins IC
  • 15 ALRSU (this time Chanticleer joined in, looked like Dance Fever over there)
  • 15 Derkins OMD, low and slow

Time to roll (Denali, I’ll give y’all rest of the Plank Jacks another day)

Over to “The Hill” for 11s…er…7s…er…5s 6:05 came REAL fast)

  • WWIIs down here
  • Wolverines up there
    • no less than 14 different ways to perform a Wolverine according to the PAX today, but WWII form was on point

Time to move again, time ticking away

  • Indian Run single file (that was a thing of beauty) up to the nice little bridge ToC installed over that tiny creek
  • Bear Crawl across (looking at you @riptidef3)

Regroup, then a quick run around to the front of Lifetime Fitness for a round of

  • 10 Monkeyhumpers IC (registration desk looked a little flustered)

Quick getaway and a double file Indian Run (mostly) back to our Ederlee crossing


Mobile COT for the most part, as it was 6:15 when we crossed Ederlee.  YHC let the PAX know he’d be Q’ing the rest of the week…PAX even suggested I poach one from @sfleder to round out the week.  @sfleder…you interested?

6:18 and we countarama’d and namearama’d.  13 studs braved cold, snow, and traffic crossings to help YHC kick off this birthday week.


Today was the practice run, tomorrow I’ll have a better plan at FOD.  Wednesday, first time at the wheel SNS, Thursday at the Flying Circus.  Maybe an appearance somewhere Friday.  It’s going to go all the way through my first Whiplash Q Saturday, so come along for the ride!  Hoping the snow/slush/stuff is gone tomorrow.

Covered somewhere between 3.4 and 3.8 miles, depending on who you ask

Kryptonite Strava


See also