Superbowl Week Kickoff

<read in the voice of that NFL films narrator…>

After much anticipation and preparation, the morning had finally come. YHC set out on his solo VQ. You’d think having co-Q’d with Kitty and Q’d a digital AO that one’s nerves would simmer, but, nay, not a steady nerve to be found. Ma Nature didn’t help with a deluge of rain, transforming Wolverine from the gloomiest AO in the land, to the soggiest. Whilst YHC considered breaking out the scull for some competitive rowing, sounder judgment prevailed and the brave PAX would be treated to a paved beatdown. Answering the call to sport their favored SuberBowl LII team colors, 8 PAX dodged the raindrops and circled up to start the festivities.

WARM-UP: LII (that’s 52) SSH; Good Morning; Imperial Walkers; Leg Hugs; Mountain Climber; Willie Mayes Hayes (Water Wings avoided penalty burpees for wearing Patriots colors when he convinced us it was wholly inadvertent)

Let’s Mosey around the Pickle a couple of times, with a few karaoke’s taboot.

Thang1 – The Icky Shuffle

Take your spot on the center line of cones and get ready to blow up your heart rate monitor

JAZZ HANDS – shuffle (also known as ‘quick feet’); hands up, hands front, hands out

FIRST DOWN – sprint 10 yds to outside cones, shuffle it up, sprint 20yds to other side, shuffle it up

UP-DOWNS – shuffle and drop on the whistle (ignore the in-between whistle of your Q’s heavy breathing)

FALSE START – that’s a 5 burpee penalty: run 20 yds, ladder up 1-2-3-4-5 burpees

PASS THE ROCK – 2 lines face each other on center cone line; hand-off the football from one end of line to other, Pax on end run the pickle and deliver the package back to other end; WHILE YOU WAIT: shuffle and dealer’s choice down the line; REPEAT 3X.

Mosey to the pavilion

Thang2 – Dips, ‘n Durkins, ‘n Planks, OH MY!

Grab a bench, let the party begin.

10-15-20-15-10 Dip ‘n Durkin Ladder - You’re welcome.

Plank-o-rama – around the horn for dealer’s choice 10-count: regu-LAR, 6-in hold, right-arm/right leg, left-arm/left leg, right arm/left leg, left arm/right leg, chill-cutters, Catalina Wine Maker/Mixer, downward dog

Mary - Freddie Mercs, 6-in hold, scissors, WWIIs, hammers

Mosey back to pickle, help out your Q by picking up a cone

COT Count-o-rama: 8 Announcements: KKR this Saturday 2/3, preceded by 0630 Murph (come do the Murph even if you aren’t running the KKR) Praise/Prayers: safe travels for our brothers Hi-Liter and Water Wings this week


  • I’d like to propose a toast to Biner: “To your health, and may you never call Catalina Wine Maker again.”
  • Hi-Liter, thanks for unlocking the mystery behind the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ with your vocal rendition of ‘Bicycle’.
  • Note to self (or text from Kitty): always be ready to call an audible when your AO is flooded
  • Parker: little orange cones are meant to drive around, not over
  • Thanks for letting me lead you fine gentlemen; your words of encouragement (and mumblechatter) mean more than you know.

See also