Super Bowl Preview- DZ style

14 gather including one FNG for a DZ pre-Super Bowl extravaganza/possible cluster led by Flip Flop repping ATL and Term Paper for the Pats. Disclaimer given, count off in Pats and Falcons instead of 1’s and 2’s, Pats win the coin toss, choose clockwise and we are off for a pickle lap. Meet up at Shovel Flag for warm up.

Warm up FF SSH x 16* TP Plankjacks x 16 (hold it) FF Merkins x 16 (hold it) TP MC x 16 (recover)** FF Slomojulios x 16 TP Hail to Tom Brady x 7 FF Dirty bird *Possible FNG rolls in ** Pause the warm up to confirm he is an FNG and quick disclaimer, now we are 15

Mozy to field for NFL combine drills Additional warm up Reflex drills Up Downs

The Thang Pats and Falcons split up 40 yd dash x 6 Broad jumps Broad jump burpees Shuttle run suicides Vertical jumps Lineman drill (burpees while staring down your opponent until your turn to play pulling guard)

Head to rockpile, partner up and grab traveling rock per pair Catch me if you can, when caught, hand off rock, 7 merkins and catch partner. Fumble of the rock = 3 penalty burpees. Redskin run to bottom of the pickle for BRADYS, doing exercises at each end of the lot. Burpees, Russian hammers, Air squats, Diamond merkins, Y lifts, Star Jumps x 12 Repeato with 7 reps

Mary X and 0s Announcements Final Krispy Kreme shout out for at least 4 or 5 months Murph at 645 Pullen Park Phoenix is on for those that don’t want to leave the confines of CARPEx

Prayer Concerns Saban’s friends for recent miscarriage Chinese Downhill’s M who just had her 2nd surgery to try to fix her knee Praise for the birth of Water Wings daughter yesterday Khakis on his mission trip

TP and Flip Flop honored to have led this fine group of men this morning

NMS Many chose to get in the spirit of the theme and wear NFL gear. Well done! Sky Blue showed up in a futbol jersey Saban even wore a Brown’s jersey…those must be cheap on The Dirty Bird dance was performed by everyone….even Term Paper. Large Mouth is a fast runner, but let me tell you……he is like Elaine from Seinfeld when it comes to dancing: Large Mouth’s Dirty Bird dance was severely uncoordinated! The “Hail to Brady” exercise was deflating. Two footballs were carried by various PAX throughout the workout; actually think Angry Elf carried a football for the entire workout. One of the Qs needs to remember to bring a watch There were some seriously slow 40 times after the 3rd effort (and before for that matter) As far as we could tell there were no fumbles during catch me if you can. YHC totally blew the counterama. sorry Hermes