Super Bowl After-Party

“Never miss a Monday.” Very popular saying in the Fern setting workout crowds………….except for the Monday following Super Bowl. IT must be the same for F3, because I seriously doubt that anyone is intentionally avoiding my Q’s. Right, Shutty-Cakes.

A whole touchdown worth of people. Only 17 people short of the total amount of points scored by my beloved Wolfpack on Saturday. Word on the street is they were out late shutting in down at East Village Friday night. 7, the same number of points for the leading Pack scorer, CJ Bryce……..just WOW.

Dearest Mother, There were 7 PAX at Kryptonite Monday, 2 fewer than the number of missed 3 point attempts by yours truly against the turkeys.
~~ Braxton

Thang- 2 for a new-ish EC route on the streets of Cary, covering 3.3 miles. Then 7 took off for a standard warm-up. Then an Indian run to Half Hill for 5 sets of 5 burpees at the top and bottom. Indian run to Glade Park for 5 sets of 5 star jumps. Indian run to Venetian and Giovanni for 5 sets of 5 merkins. Indian run to The Avenue of the Estates, 5 sets of 5 lunges. Indian run back with a quick stop for irkins. Mary was LBCs. Just under 4 miles.

COT - Prayers for Denali former co-worker and some tough decisions, Khakis BIL re integrating to family life from military life and Staubach’s BIL sickness. YHC took us out.

Denali brought coffee for 21, and it was enjoyed by 7.

See also