'Sup dawg, 'Sup J.Lo, and other broga poses ICYMI

While running with the Travelling Circus, Pivot was saying how he hadn’t needed to Q-beg* the entire summer because BRR had brought out the inner Yogi in each of us. YHC thought we can’t let this momentum slip away; after all, there are numerous other races to be run†, not to mention slightly less running intensives adventures such as our very own CSAUP, The Odyssey coming up in a few short weeks! And so, YHC got in a car and crossed into new municipal territories in order to accelerate the collective lithesomeness of the Pax.

* Q-beg: Slang so fresh it’s not in the lexicon, meaning when a site Q has to ask Pax to Q because no one’s stepping up and signing up on the Q sheet.

other races: Vis-a-vis The Beige Bro’s very own 2nd Annual Mike Fiorito Race For Second Place Backyard Ultra this October, South Mountains 50k next January, the Smokey Mountain Relay next April. Plus, Peaches told us all about the slightly-more-elevation-than-ravenramble Tabletop 50k he killed no less than 48 hrs ago, and still posted this morning

Thang 1

Run down the side road for about 12 min, then return. About 3 miles total. Tclaps to Pivot and Suck Up for running this twice since we did the same route for EC.

Thang 2

Yoga time on the plush turf.

Flow 1: “Dog gazes at moon over mountain”

  • Mountain pose and breathe
  • Hands together, arms up, reach behind, then return to center, repeat x3
  • Similar arms and reach, but arms go down into cactus, repeat x3
  • Same but fold all the way down into forward fold, head tucked by knees, palms on ground, then back up into reach, cactus, down, repeat x3
  • Forward fold, inhale up into side superman, down into flat back (finger tips on ground, back straight like a table), return to forward fold, repeat x3
  • From forward fold, back into downwards dog, then hover plank, then ‘sup dog, twist hips side-to-side (J. Lo’s), back into downwards, repeat x3
  • Do the whole flow now:
    • Mountain pose
    • Overhead arm reach
    • Arms down into cactus to open chest
    • Fold forwards
    • Reach out into side superman
    • Down into flat back, then walk arms out
    • Down into plank
    • Hover plank
    • ‘Sup dog
    • ‘Sup J.Lo.
    • Downwards dog, walk the arms back
    • Roll up back to mountain
    • Repeato x3

Flow 2: “Superman sits, crouches, flies, and reflects on why everyone needs saving all the cot dang time”


  • Left leg forward into low forwards lunge
  • Both arms up and reach back
  • Cactus arms down
  • Sweep right arm forwards, left arm curled behind back, and reach, opening chest
  • Arms down into plank
  • Hover plank
  • Cobra
  • Side-to-side twists
  • Downwards dog
  • Repeat with the other leg


  • Hop forwards
  • Stand up straight, arms back
  • Down sinking into chair
  • Inhale up and stretch
  • Exhale back into chair, with a twist so opposite elbows to knee
  • Inhale stretch, exhale back into chair twist opposite side
  • End with downwards dog


  • Stand into side superman
  • Reach up, cactus down, back into downwards dog, hover plank, and twists
  • Left leg into lunge stance, then inhale and hinge forwards into Warrior III pose
  • Exhale sink back into lunge stance
  • Repeat x7
  • Up into side superman and repeato other side
  • Down into regular superman
  • Up into hover, back into downwards dog, calf walks with twist
  • Repeato regular superman x2


  • Hover plank
  • Left leg into low lunge stance
  • Arm raise, then fold under the lunging leg, repeat x8
  • Lace hands behind leg
  • Opposite leg fowards and left up lunging leg into bird of paradise
  • Extend up leg as straight as you can and hold
  • Return to center
  • Downwards dog
  • Repeato other side

Flow 3: “Dolphin over many æons evolves into man upon land”


  • Downwards dog into chillcut
  • Chillcut opposite arm and leg extensions x10
  • Dolphin pose
  • Dolphin merkins
  • Downwards dog into standing
  • Repeato the reverse warrior flow, ending with the chillcut work


  • Lunge forward and twist foot into side for triangle pose
  • Arms extended out, hands laced together into a side triangle, stretching out towards the extended leg
  • Come to center and take the extended leg and put your foot over opposite leg knee, into tree pose
  • Crouch down
  • Now repeat on the opposite side the triangle and tree couch


  • Forwards fold into side superman into flat back, repeato x3
  • Mountain pose, then mudra, flatback mudra into forward fold mudra, repeato x3

Flow 4: “Another mystery of life: Why does this boat need wheels?”


  • On six, into half boat, like a V
  • Grab feet with both hands, then stretch out and fold back down, repeato x8
  • Leaving one hand grabbing feet, reach to the side with opposite arm, doing 8 stretches, then repeating with the other side
  • Keeping the half boat pose, side-to-side reaches (American hammers)


  • Knees to chest still, rock side to side
  • Extend left leg out, right knee to chest
  • Grab right knee with left arm and pull to left side
  • Extend right leg on the side and hold…sink right shoulder to ground and extend right arm.
  • Right knee to chest, left arm, open and close knee to right side, alternating arms
  • Extend right leg out on right side and hold, then continue side-to-side
  • Right leg cross extension hold again, this time move right arm up and down for five breaths
  • Knees to chest
  • Repeato other side


  • Back on six, into hip bridge
  • Reach arms behind and come up into wheel pose


Carpex culture week is October-long, with one week each dedicated to Q school, Site Q school, shield locks (match.com style ???), and VQs.

First time for several of the Pax at Measure Twice, including YHC…great location, good site sleuthing by Pivot…I hear trail runs are in the future. Between that, the scented towels, and mat-wipes, I hope Pivot is leading the Site Q training coming up.

Flip-Flop had to leave before the full moon vanished; something about a ritual, I think, idk.

Parker went into full HIM & EH mode on a passerby…regrettably can’t remember his name, but be on the lookout for opportunities when they present themselves.

Wondering how to come up with a yoga routine? Ruthlessly reuse from the interwebs. Taken from Sean Vigue Power Yoga. Flow names my own.

A glorious breeze kicked up at the end, encouraging us all to M.I.A.G.D.

See also