Sunrise over New Hampshire

Had lots of concepts and ideas in mind for Wolverine this morning but decided to keep it simple this morning.

Warm-up / Thang / Mary:

We ran from Davis Drive Park to Bond Park stopping every now and then for exercises which may or may not have included irkins. Once in Bond Park we did a coupon set of curls, rock rows, tricep extensions and overhead presses (15x each) with five burpees in between. Saban helped me improve my rock-your-body cadence counting (15x of those too) before we celebrated a sunrise over New Hampshire with 15x monkey humpers.

Round trip is ~3 miles and only one lightly traveled road needs to be crossed.


  • Countarama: 5
  • Announcements: Crema immediately following
  • Prayers: for Saban’s SIL’s mother; for our brothers recovering; for my FIL


  • Saban shared the backstory of “New Hampshire” with the PAX. It was universally agreed that naming our region “New Hampshire” would have proven confusing.
  • The Commish is looking to return to normal after shaving his Ted Kozinski beard
  • Stories from the weekend were shared. Lots of time bonding with the families. Highly encouraged and very important
  • I logged zero Geocaches on my way home. I did check “PV to Davis” off the list for the Mafia Challenge though.

See also