Studs are made of 2x4's

I must admit, I had several doubts about this morning.  I returned from the other side of the world only a few days ago and am just now getting my circadian rhythm back to Eastern Daylight Time.  My sleep has been off, and I haven’t been as energetic as usual.  To top that off, in true F3 fashion, I did the F3 ENC CSAUP “The Sasquatch” in Greenville, NC on Saturday.  The Sasquatch was a well-organized, well-coordinated CSAUP that covered 10.7 miles of running distance and five AO’s.  I gotta tell ya, it was brutal an by the end, I was shot!  Fast forward to this morning, my legs felt remarkably better than I expected them to, and the weather forecast improved such that there was no threat of a Thunderstorm.  Perfect! Let’s start the week off with a bang!

Banjo met YHC for a 1-mile Fellowship run from Crema Coffee departing at 5:15 and arriving into the AO at about 5:24 as the first pax were arriving.  It was very warm, very humid, and in true Wolverine fashion….extra gloomy.  But F3 is comprised of not just men, but High Impact Men!  I was quite pleasantly surprised to see 21 others, including one FNG roll up to join together this morning and make each other better and stronger.  After briefing the FNG, we were off!

The Warm Up:

  • 2 laps around the pickle and ending on the grass inside the corner of the paved track nearest the playground
  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Good Mornings
    • At this point, YHC notice Yogi (also a Sasquatch 2018 finisher) struggling with a calf issue that needed some stretching
  • The calf stretch led by Yogi
  • Holding position from the calf stretch……5 hand-release ‘Mericans
    • I must admit, the damp grass felt pretty good
  • 10 WWII’s
    • Yep……the very wet grass feels AWESOME!

The THANG, also known as “The 2x4” (Yep, I just made that up):

The paved track has four corners, we’re doing two exercises per corner and repeating….2x4, get it?  Yes, yes, I know, I’m original, creative, and hilarious."

  • Corner #1 (Near the playground still)
    • 40 Squats OYO, with squat hold for the 6
    • 10 Mike Tyson’s on YHC’s “Down”
    • Mosey clockwise down the long side of the rectangular paved track
  • Corner #2
    • 20 WWII’s and then straight into…
    • 30 American Hammers
    • Sprint the short side of the track
  • Corner #3
    • After a 10-count from the 6 to catch our breath
    • 40-pace lunge walk down the parking lot and squat hold for the 6
    • 5 Wolverines OYO…because it’s not truly a Wolverine AO workout with some Wolverines!!!!!
    • Mosey down the long side
  • Corner #4
    • BTTW in two lines down both sides of the fence at the basketball court while the pax take turns down the line doing 5 Worst Merkins Ever
      • This took a little longer that YHC expected, and there was much moaning and griping from the Pax…..perfect!
    • Sprint the short side back to Corner 1 for lap #2, basically a repeato with minor mods
  • Mod #1 - 20 Mike Tysons are better than 10
  • Mod #2 - For BTTW we started the Worst Merkins Ever at both ends working to the middle

Upon completing the second lap, there was unfortunately not quite enough time for a third lap….very unfortunate so we made do:

  • 40 Squats OYO, Squat hold for the 6
  • 20 Mike Tysons, on YHC’s “Down”
  • 20 WWII’s
  • 30 American Hammers
  • Mosey to the playground
  • Alternate doing Pull Ups, Dips, and Australians pull-ups?…..(Grab the chains on a swing, then lower your body and basically do a body-weigh rowing maneuver….gotta get that back work somewhere)
    • Alternate OYO until all pax complete a minimum of ten pullups each
  • Mosey around the pickle and circle up
  • Final exercise……The Have a Nice Day!


I somehow forgot myself in both the Count-A-Rama AND Name-A-Rama….Jeez!

FNG Jason Richter (SP?) joined us this morning EH’d by THE MAN, Yogi!  Jason advised the Pax that he enjoys building things out of wood, and shooting things.  The chatter around the COT was all over the place with several interesting options including:

  • Ron Swanson
  • 2x4
  • 4x4
  • ’lil Sebastian (A Parks and Rec reference)
  • Spud Gun - Jason indicated he thought this name would be good…..which was unfortunately his undoing, the pax went a totally different direction after this and we landed on “Daisy,” as in the BB Gun (Red Ryder is already taken, of course)

Welcome FNG “Daisy”


  • 9/11 Stair Climb is coming up, commemorative shirt pre-order is available now, see Carpex News on Slack
  • Carpex “VQ Week” is planned for the second week of October, if you’ve recently started with F3, you can plan now for your VQ that week.
    • Work with a veteran Q, get familiar with one or two AO’s, plan ahead
    • There MAY be a Q-School in advance of VQ Week, keep an eye on Slack
  • Three CSAUPS virtually back-to-back in October, Banjo will get them added to our calendar as well.

Wrapping up the morning, Yogi stepped up to lead the Pax in reciting The Lord’s Prayer.

Banjo, Chanticleer, and YHC EC Ran back towards Crema, with Chanticleer ditching at Waldo Rood and heading home.  10 (I think) joined for Coffeeteria at Crema.

All in all, a great way to start the week!

See also