Stuck between a rock and a hard place

OK, so the Apex PAX (A-PAX for short) are clearly more smarter, better looking, and enjoyable to workout with than the Cary (basically Durham) PAX (CAR-PAthetiX for short but not really). I rolled out my new Dora et Trois concept again in today’s DP Gloom and they took to it like moths to a flame. It definitely had nothing to do with my ability to explain the workout, or an arguably better setup at DP than at Whoville earlier this week. The PAX were hungry and motivated, and we even had a self-proclaimed “Best Team Ever” thanks to Big Red…or was it in spite of Big Red? I forget.

Same concept, different exercises. Here’s the workout:

Friday - 4 Sept - Dante’s Peak CARDIO and PAIN

0545 - Welcome - FNG disclaimer - We definitely would have had a Saucy Nuggs if given the opportunity

0546 - Pledge

0547 - Mosey to the loop, grab a big ol’ rock

0550 - Quick Circle Time

  • 20 4-count SSH
  • 20 merkins
  • Long Good Morning

0555 - The Thang: Dora et Trois (Dora plus Boots)

Since we had some IronPAXers and some independent runners, this brought us down to 12 bootcampers…so instead of teams of three, we did 3 Fire Teams (Marine Corps term for a 4-man group)

Each Fire Team needed to:

  • Sprint around loop, 5 burpees at 6 O’clock, 5 burpees at 12 o’clock
  • Sprint up the hill, slow mosey down the hill
  • Rock rows, tricep extension, overhead rock chest press

Each Fire Team is responsible for 400 rock rows, 400 tricep extension, 400 rock overhead chest press, 40 hill sprints

0615 - Mosey to parking lot

0618 - Mary

  • 20 WWIIs
  • 20 4-count American Hammers twists
  • 10 JLo’s (L/R is 1)
  • 1-min plank
  • 40 4-count LBCs
  • Garfield led a beautiful Hello Dolly/Goodbye Dolly pairing!

0630 - Have a Nice Day


Announcements: Blood drive, odyssey

My preference is finding motivation and inspiration from the thoughts of great leaders, so I offered to share some words from a great leader from history, as will be a theme of mine as a Q:

On Leadership

Leadership = Competence + Authentic Character

Attitudes are caught, not taught.

Organizations and institutions get the behavior they reward.

If you mix good people with bad processes, the processes will win nine times out of ten.

Know what you stand for and what you will not tolerate.

Protect your mavericks.

Reconcile natural polarities.

Don’t resent the problems that come to you. Each one is a normal part of your job.

Decentralize decision-making to the lowest capable level.

Define the problem.

Reward initiative and aggressiveness.

Know when to apply non-quantitative analysis. Too early, you’re lazy. Too late, you’re mechanistic.

Do not permit your passion for excellence to destroy your compassion for subordinates.

As a second lieutenant, I realized my guys weren’t lying awake at night wondering, ‘How can I screw up Lieutenant Mattis’ day?’

We are masters of our character. We choose what we will stand for in this life.”

- Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis

Prayer/Praises- IMP took us out.

I am a rock Real or not real? - Camouflage Peeta - quickmeme

NMS - Today’s Dora et Trois went much better than at Whoville earlier this week. The Fire team format seemed to encourage smaller group leadership and some competition between the groups, which is never a bad thing. Plenty of mumble chatter on the mosey back to the flag, but after the hard work all put in, it was earned and warranted. The rock-related sections of the Thang were tougher than expected, I’ll definitely have to build on that going forward in future Qs. Garfield looked like a gazelle running around today, and I’m pretty sure 16 Steves smiled through the entire workout…that’s one happy dude.

The HIMs were exceptional today, thanks for posting!

See also