Stronger, Faster, Higher

F3 Scout Week!

Today was the beginning of F3 Scout Week. You may be asking what is F3 Scout Week? Well, I am glad you asked! F3 Scout Week was an idea I had while sitting through a scout meeting a few weeks back. If you think about it, F3 and scouting have a lot of shared core principles including duty to God and country, focus on physical fitness, helping others, and brotherhood. The goal of F3 Scout Week is to share some of the core tenants of scouting with our F3 brotherhood. Hopefully, each PAX that participates in a scout theme workout will have a new appreciation for the scouting program.

The workout today was based on the Webelos (4th grade) Adventure - Stronger, Faster, Higher.

A group of 18 PAX strong were off at 5:45 sharp after the Pledge of Allegiance (how we open all scouting activities) and a quick disclaimer to FNG-Green Acres.

Warm Up:

The warm up followed the guidance in the scout handbook for requirement #1 to do a light aerobic activity followed by stretching to prepare for exercise.

So, we did a mosey to the normal warm up parking lot for:

  • SSH for a little extra aerobic activity
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Windmill
  • Good Mornings

Thang 1:

Mosey to the small rock pile near the basketball courts and partner up and find a rock. Then mosey to basketball courts for requirement #2 of the adventure - do the following activities and record your results.

  • 20-yard dash (sprint across basketball court and mosey back)
  • Lifting a 5 lbs weight (curls while parter sprinted)
  • Swap activities
  • Vertical Jump - partners vertical jump at fence to see who can jump higher
  • Curls - (sit ups, partner A situps AMRAPs for 1 minute, flap jack)
  • YHC forgot the push ups, but Ma Bell covered that at mary so we’re good.
  • Each PAX needs to find a jump rope and record how many they can do if they really wanted to complete the activity. I only had one jump rope so I scrapped that one.

Thang 2:

1 mile run - starting at the far loop run back to the parking lot of field 3 and back. YHC had a time of around 8:40 running with Theismann and Green Acres.

Requirement 6 - Try a new sport. I was stretching this a bit, but we did a short cross country 1 mile run across Apex Community Park. Each PAX was supposed to remain with their “buddy” in support of the scouting buddy system but most failed miserably at this. Next time fellas, don’t lose your buddy. That is a big no no in scouting. We are safer as a group!

Scout Run back to the field 3 parking lot for Thang 3.

Thang 3:

Requirement #4 - prepare a fitness course of a series of games. Team Crimson failed at this so we did some extra mary by accident. Team Ma Bell succeeded in creating a fitness course of bear crawls with Merkins, Derkins, and Burpees. Nice job team!


With time winding down we settled in for some mary.

  • American Hammers
  • Some other stuff
  • Some merkins
  • A Theisman spiderman that he called drunk snow angel or something. YHC still doesn’t know the difference.
  • Quick have a nice day for Nature Boy

With that, our time was up and F3 Scout Week was off to a roaring start.


  • Memorial Day Convergence at Thomas Brooks Park (FOD site) at 7:00 AM. See slack for info or ask Crimson/Theismann/WWW.
  • Please support scout week this week by visiting at least one scout lead workout. Scouting is a big part of our community and a positive impact on our children.


  • No prayers - that is a praise!
  • Praises for Hotspot’s mom and continued healing
  • Praises for Smokey and his M - 35 years today! Congrats!!


  • Always an honor to lead
  • It is hard to count cadence when you are out of practice. Had to remember I was the 1-2-3 part. Habits are interesting.
  • We did not beat Kryptonite in distance, Disco had us at 3.1 miles to our 2.62 miles but I gave it a good try!
  • I hope that you all get something valuable out of scout week!

See also