Stroll around downtown

This morning 15 PAX met at Hunter Street Park for various festivities. Group 1 of 10 PAX took a stroll to downtown with YHC, Group 2 of 2 completed this week’s IronPAX challenge and Group 3 completed a bruisers workout on the soccer field. We also found another group of 2 that completed the happy Dino in prep of the BRR coming soon.

At 5:30 sharp, a quick pledge and we were off towards the chamber of commerce, home of DTP on Tuesday.

Warm up:

  • SSH
  • Good Morning
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins, OYO
  • Mountain Climbers

We found Hummus and we were off towards Apex UMC.

Thing 1:

  • Four corners around the block
  • 1st round - 5 burpees
  • 2nd round - 10 merkins
  • 3rd round - 15 LBCs
  • 4th round - 20 Squats

Thing 2

  • Catch me if you can with a partner back to chamber of commerce

Thing 3

  • Indian run, two groups, back to the flag


  • American Hammers
  • Homer to marge
  • Low slow flutters
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Have a nice day


  • Great diverse group of options this morning and a strong showing of 17 PAX
  • always a pleasure to lead this fine group!
  • Still soupy, ready for fall to arrive!

YHC took us out!

See also