Stretch Armstrong

Date: 5/6/2019, AO: Wolverine

QIC: Parker

18 gathered in the beautiful Wolverine gloom, officially the gloomiest AO in all of Carpex.  No FNGs, YHC really butchered the disclaimer this morning, and was hoping the beatdown would only get better from there.  Pledge, and off we go.

Warm up:  1/2 mile mosey to the parking lot near the basketball court at Davis Dr. Middle.  Circle up for 20 SSH, calf stretch left x 10 count, 10 merkins IC, calf stretch right x 10 count, 15 merkins IC.  5 slow good mornings, recover.

To get the shoulders warm: 10 Sir Fazio Forward IC, 10 Sir Fazio back IC, 10 OH clap IC, 10 seal clap IC, 5 Sir Fazio forward IC, 5 back, 5 OH clap, 5 seal clap.  Recover.  Michael Phelps.

Thang 1.  Partner up, mosey to the shelter.  Partner 1 jumps up and hangs on the I beam while partner 2 runs down the path to the track, performs 10 burpees and runs back. Flapjack.  Round 2, as the mumblechatter faded into requests for ‘only 5 burpees’,  that’s what we did.  Repeato with 5 burpees at the track; the trick was that the decrease in burpees was not because the burpees were hard, but because just hanging there on that I beam gets tiring after a bit.

Thang 2: Let’s go with the stretch-arm thang.  Line up alternating 1’s and 2’s, under the I beam.  On the Q, 1’s jump up and hang for a 10-count while the 2’s perform the 10 count.  Immediately flapjack, so that it is roughly a slow 10-count hang, and a 10-count rest.  Repeato through 6 cycles.

Thang 3: Arms are getting a little warm by now.  Partner 1 on the wall for balls to the wall, while a member of the partner 2 PAX calls 15 cadence-count merkins.  Flapjack.  Repeat with 10 merkins IC, then 5 merkins IC, for a total of 3 cycles (60 more merkins and as much BTTW).

Thang 4: Arms kinda gumby-ish, so loosen em up with a two-line Indian run one lap around the track.  Liverpool mumbled something and we all told him yeah but his M will love those sick pythons.

Thang 5.  Circle up for 10 cadence-count Prisoner Superman (lie on your stomach, hands behind your head, feet/legs and head/arms up on each count), with a 10-count hold at the finish.  Line up at the pull up bars in three plank-position lines.  First person in line does 5 pull-ups, then moseys back to the line.  Line moves forward bear-crawl style, and when it’s your turn you do 5 pull-ups and go to the back of the line.  3 cycles total, last cycle was AMRAP.  HIM really put in all they had left on this one, well done fellas.  Repeat the Prisoner Supermans.

Thang 6: 2-line indian run back to the flag.  All PAX stayed together, great to see.

Mary: 5 wolverines, 10 cadence-count burpees, and have a nice day.


Travel mercies, Prayers for Theismann’s middle school track team.  Hello Kitty took us out.

NMS: Thank you men for encouraging YHC when I try something different.

See also