Storm Chasers

Hurricane Florence is on her way, but two dedicated storm chasers would not be scared away from the region’s premier afternoon workout.


Rain was coming down pretty hard so quick shuffle over to the parking deck and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, squats and mountain climbers.

The Thang

Bear crawl, stopping at the first line for one merkin, then adding one more merkin at each line, up to five. Return in the other direction doing lunge walks and squats.

Three rounds of Mary.

Repeato the bear crawl and lunge walk trips, this time starting at five and finishing at one.

Three rounds of Mary.

Quick shuffle down to the nice wall at the back of the bottom level. Three rounds of partner 1 BTTW while partner 2 knocks out 15 squats, flapjack, then partner 1 people’s chair while partner 2 knocks out 15 merkins, flapjack.

The rain lets up, so quick shuffle over to the big town hall fountain for ALRSUs, dips, ALRSUs, dips, ALRSUs.

Quick shuffle back to the flag, stopping at the hand rails for 10 irkins and 10 Australian pull-ups.


Knock out a few different exercises until we run out of time.


Count-a-rama:  2 Name-a-rama:  1 RESPECT, 1 meh Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for YHC’s M Kelly BOM:  Traffic Cone took us out


Enjoyed the one on one time with Traffic Cone, getting to know him better, he’s a good a dude as I expected.

We took turns calling the Mary exercises, I’d say he’s about ready to lead. Keep an eye on the schedule for his VQ coming soon.

Traffic cone closed us out with a beautiful prayer that ended with “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti hi” a sanskrit phrase meaning peace in body, speech and mind.

See also