Stories of our fathers

8 pax: MIA, Cool beans, Sabre, Flacco, Doogie, Jello, Moped, Banjo

Mosey to gazebo for various warmup exercises then return. Pax were additionally tasked to share stories, lessons learned from there Father’s from youth.

P1 runs parking lot loop 2x, P2, Round 1 merkins, R2 dips, R3 CDDs
Storytime: Holding high-end Homer to Marge

P1 runs parking lot loop,P2, R1 calf ankles toes, R2 windshield wipers, R3 calf ankles toes
Storytime: holding plank

Speed Mary round with Pax calling exercises.

COT: Storytime
NMS.Telling stories is one of the most powerful means that we have to influence, teach, and inspire. Storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Stories convey the culture, history, and values that unite us. Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. It gives us an opportunity to learn from another person’s experience and it can shape, strengthen or challenge our opinions and values. Through stories we are more engaged and attentive, we are more likely to understand the message and meaning within.

1. Always pass the tool friendly side out.

2. Fishing, leisure activities are for building relationships

3. You can always trust family, F3 is family.

4. You can never be certain what’s in a man’s heart.

5. Teach you kids to fly

6. Step parents can be awesome

7. Build stuff with your kids.

8. Support your kids passions and let them live it out.