Stop #3 on The Pain Stick Express

So when Build-A-Bear messaged me on Monday to “ask” me to incorporate the pain sticks into my Q on Wednesday, of course I said yes. You’ve seen him right? So with my original workout put back on the shelf for another day, I started drawing up some new plans.

Big group this morning of Insomniacs, Vesperers and SNSers. The boot campers broke off and headed toward the community center to find the afore mentioned pain sticks waiting for them.


Good Morning, Windmill, Bobby Hurley, Arm Circles, Seal & Overhead Clap

Thang 1

Partner up. P1 Aussie Mnt Climber 20 count IC; P2 Squat hold with pain stick overhead. Flip Flop. Mosey to the entrance of the parking lot.

P1 SSH; P2 run w/ pain stick to cone, drop stick and return to collect P1. Both Partners run to cone. Flip Flop and Repeat for 3 more cones toward the shelter by the amphitheater.

Thang 2

Under the shelter P1 10x Box Jumps, Carolina Dry Docks w/ feet on bench, The Dip; P2 Pain Stick Curls, Shoulder Press and Overhead Tricep Extensions. Flip Flop. Repeat. Mosey to amphitheater.

Wheelbarrow to top of amphitheater and bench hop down. Flip Flop. Repeat. Mosey to Kiosk.

P1 Hand Release Burpees; P2 Run to top of hill and back down. Flip Flop. Pick up Sticks and Mosey back to the flag.


Boat/Canoe (or Coach New); 100’s, Have A Nice Day


Announcements: Carying Place 5k/10k coming up; Stair Climb 9/11 Prayers & Praises: Banjo’s Daughter, Quiver’s friend, Burt’s FIL, Captain Kirk’s Mom

YHC took us out with a quote from author and professor Joseph Campbell

“Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for. The damned thing in the cave, that was so dreaded, has become the center. However, if the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”


See also