Still Water Runs Deep, Bluewater Runs Far

QIC: Bluewater

Lots of EC action, with Repeato announcing a launch at 0440 and Oofta at 0455.

Warm-Up: Some much-appreciated stretches were mixed into the usual routine.

Thing 1: Pearls on a String, up the Ederlee hill (twice) and around Regency Parkway to the rock pile.

Thing 2: Partner rockwork dora (each Pax with his own rock). Curls, presses, tricep extensions.

Mosey back to the flag (3.25 miles), Mary, have a nice day.


Prayers for a mom undergoing surgery and a M’s aunt entering hospice.

Praises and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to BiB founder Repeato on some great family news.

Many gathered at NYBD3 for coffee and fellowship.


All joy this morning.

Your Q next week: Man of the hour Repeato Repeato

See also