Stick Move

GroupMe was all atwitter (pun most definitely intended) the night before with speculation about what was going to happen at Ma Bell’s 3 year F3iversary. “I’ll bet it’s Merkins” “Keep calm and Merkin on.” Shut up, you don’t know me. Fast forward to Thursday morning. 19 folks came out to find out for themselves instead of retreating to their fartsacks. Side note: I like a word that can be used as both a verb and a noun. For you yanks, BBQ is NOT one of those words. BBQ is a noun. But I digress.

0545: Turns out the PAX knows me well. 20 merkins OYO! Jog over to the best warmup spot in all of CarPEX Nation for:

  • 36 x SSH. Impressive that Earhart called it on the 36 around #25. You know cause 36 months and all…
  • 20 x Alt L/R step-ups. At this point, the incessant mumblechatter about “this ain’t no warm-up exercise” started
  • 10 x Derkins IC
  • [some random number] x Good Mornings. “finally, a warmup exercise”
  • [some random number] x prisoner squats. Back to the mumblechatter

The Thang

Follow me up Academy and along the railroad tracks to the best little pocket park in all the land for [I forget how many] WWII sit-ups. Over to the parking deck and around back to the land of poison ivy, snakes and spiders. Pick out a pain stick and hold em high until everyone is back. Love your pain stick because you’ll be keeping it for a while. Up to the 3rd level to the bottom of the ramp for:

Jacob’s ladder with pain sticks. Backwards runs up the ramp to the top, with increasing (x2) number of feet-facing-uphill sit-ups, followed by run back down for 10 merkins on the pain stick.

Back down the stairs and around back through aforementioned poison ivy, snakes and spiders to put pain sticks away then jog back to Waldo street, stopping to reassemble for 10 curb Irkins. Once at Waldo, Billy Run back to the flags. Good work boys!


Count–a-rama: 18 Name-a-rama: (8 super-stud RESPECTs, 1 Hate, 10 mehs) Announcements: 5/6: convergence at Bond Park with Churham at 0700; pre-ruck at 0600; picnic at 1430. Get your $10 to Riptide. Will be a good day all around; no #theGear on Saturday Prayers: Burt’s Uncle and Aunt; Angry Elf’s mother and others BOM: Angry Elf took us out in prayer


  • We didn’t do the pledge of allegiance like they did at BH. But we had 2 flags, so there’s that.
  • So listen up! Any exercise done during warmup is by definition a warmup exercise. Next time, we’re doing Billy Runs for warmup.
  • And you’ll like it
  • To Ma Bell’s delight several PAX tried to emulate the doo-rag signature look for the special occasion. It was much appreciated albeit poorly executed. We’ll have to work on that boys.
  • I’m sure Shutty’s down at BH was spot-on. But without a picture, that cannot be verified.
  • To Ma Bell’s amusement, Burt broke out another one of his seemingly endless supply of 90s exercise equipment bought from the Home Shopping Network on those late, lonely nights after having had one too many Miller Lites and the Good Times reruns had ended
  • The stash spot for our pain sticks and sleds seemed like a good place during the winter.
  • In another month, ain’t no way my ass is going back there
  • Burt suggested the Jacob’s ladder with pain sticks was a “stick move” And hence the hashtag #stickmove was born.
  • Coxswain was bringing the mumblechatter heat today. Sounds like someone needs to start Qing!
  • Feet-uphill sit-ups with a 35 lb pain stick ain’t so easy. Getting up with said stick afterward may have been even harder
  • That’s what she said.
  • Merkins and uphill sit-ups make you strong like bull
  • Speaking of Bull, did you do the Bull?
  • Did you get your Bull t-shirt yet? I didn’t. Those Churham boys got some nice ponzi scheme going on over there
  • You could see Calli trying to do the math when he realized we had 8 out of 19 in the RESPECT cateogry. Rest your brain, Calli, that’s 42%.
  • Let me tell you boys, life doesn’t end at 50. I’ll take any one of you punks on.
  • Except for Ollie. Ollie would only have to stare at me and I would hit the ground.
  • Or Tecumseh. He would fold me like a taco
  • I am not angry despite the unfounded rumor making its way around the GroupMesphere

See also