Stetson Original

YHC had the opportunity to do my VQ at the AO where I started F3 nearly one year ago. I planned my workout on paper, used google maps to count light poles, drove through the office complex parking lot a few times, so I felt ready up until I got to the parking lot for the main event. Then my nerves got the best of me and I botched the mission and tried to say the Pledge of Allegiance in cadence and forgot the disclaimer for the FNG. But once I got started, I got into my rhythm.


  • Good Mornings
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles Forward/Reverse
  • Side Straddle Hop

Thang 1

Run up the hill stopping at each light post for 10 Merkins. Cross the road together and make our way into the parking lot of the Parkway Professional Park. Paint the lines then partner up and head down the stairs to the lower level of the parking lot.

Thang 1.5

  • Partner 1: Bear Crawl clockwise around the fountain. Some PAX were thrown off by the clockwise direction choice. YHC didn’t care.
  • Partner 2: Run up the stairs: 10 Star Jumps
  • Repeat concept total of three times: 1st - Bear Crawl, 2nd- Crab Walk, 3rd Lunge Walk around the fountain; 1st - Star Jumps, 2nd - Plank Jacks, 3rd - Burpees

Thang 2

  • Mosey back to the park. Hit up the rock pile. Keep same partner.
  • Partner 1: Do some combination and some unspecified number of Tricep Extensions, Curls, and Rows.
  • Partner 2: Weave through the concrete balls and run the pickle.
  • Repeat 3 ish times. (YHC wasn’t very specific about the directions for this exercise.)

Thang 2.5

  • Find some space on the brick half-wall.
  • 20 Left/Right Step Ups In Cadence
  • 20 Irkins On My Down
  • 10 Derkins On My Down

Thang 2.75

  • Mosey to basketball court.
  • Count off 1, 2
  • 1s - suicides; 2s - squat hold or just stand around
  • switch
  • repeat 3 times


  • Boxcutter In Cadence
  • Homer to Marge or Homeward to Marge or Homeward March - I truly do not know what the name of this exercise is, but I like it.
  • LBC
  • American Hammer
  • Have a Nice Day


  • Pax Count = 22
  • FNG Count = 1 Chris R. F3 name = HGTV
  • Odyssey - Oct 5th
  • Picnic - Oct 5th
  • American Heart Association walk - Sunday 9/22
  • YHC took us out.

YHC thanks all of the PAX that showed up for my VQ. I had a great time. Thanks for supporting me. I’m proud to be part of this great organization.

See also