Carpex 2020


2019 has been an AWESOME (shoutout Bartman Growruck School) year for Carpex. We celebrated at the annual Christmas party and I talked a little (lot) about my vision for Carpex in 2020. I wanted to just get it down on paper for those that didn’t hear or weren’t there. And maybe as an encouraging reminder to those that were there and did hear…most of it.

F3 doesn’t happen without individuals who step up.

I think it was 2 years ago Hermes brought us the phrase, “Thank you for your leadership.” It gets said a LOT, doesn’t it? That’s because everything, I repeat EVERYTHING, happens because someone stepped up.

Anything you’ve attended that has been related to F3 required some number of pax around you to volunteer their time, talent, and resources to make it happen.

That’s the beauty of F3. You want something to happen like a kettlebell workout, or a prayer vigil, or a pull up challenge, or a happy hour at While Foods….YOU get to step up, call on some guys to help, and make it happen.

You do that and WE ALL get better! It’s a selfless act. Like I said at the Christmas Party, Burt didn’t get punched in the face for himself. He did it, along with lots of other guys, to raise thousands of dollars for inner city youth. The #impact from stepping up is huge.

So how will you step up in 2020?

Start small, work your way up, and push yourself for the benefit of those around you. Here are some ideas / examples.

  • Attend one more workout a week than you currently are.
  • Visit an AO you haven’t been to before.
  • Join the Ruck AO!
  • Q an AO you haven’t Q’d before.
  • Step up and take over as Site Q at one of your regular spots.
  • Find someone on the IR and tell them you’ll walk with them.
  • Attend a Refinery.
  • Start another Refinery.
  • Call a pop up coffeeteria or happy hour.
  • Host a 2nd F at your house.
  • Tell us the time and place we’re ALL going to watch Top Gun 2 together!
  • Host a meetup where you have a skill or knowledge on a subject and teach the rest of us.
  • Design a shirt logo or start a shirt order.
  • Join the TCP Sawgrass on a Sunday.
  • Get your kids out to F3 Dads on a 3rd Saturday of the Month.
  • Help launch a new AO.
  • Do something I can’t even think of. See Frey Daddy for motivation – #Oakwood24

When guys see other guys stepping up they will back you. But you gotta be first one in the boat.

Be a doer, not a sayer. Sayers can be found everywhere outside of F3.

Let F3 make a doer out of you…a leader. Then take that skill and bring it home to your family, friends, coworkers, and community.

This is how F3 invigorates male community leadership.

Happy New Year!
Shut-In and the Leadership Team