Step by Step

Life is a series of steps.  For the first 25 years or so, you are basically pushed down a series of steps.  Elementary school, little league baseball, driver’s license, first job, then usually college or in my case, the military.

In the Army, every step of your life is controlled almost 24 x 7.  My three years in the 82nd Airborne Division were challenging and fun but when I got out, the day I got out, the minute I signed my last form, I was lost.  I remember thinking there is no one to tell me what to do, when to do it and how to do it.  Luckily, I had a job waiting with a super-secret agency that again put me on a series of steps over the next 12 years.  Intense training, processing, overseas, move in two years, more training, back overseas.  You get the picture.

After leaving that very structured life and moving to North Carolina, I found myself wandering, kind of lost to a point.  Life did go on and time did pass but as I got older, I wanted something more.  Both in a Church and in my circle of people.  And out of the blue, I was introduced to F3 by Catniss.  The very first post so reminded me of Ft. Jackson, SC all those years ago.  The workouts definitely kept me coming back and as the next nine months passed, I find that I am now motivated more than before to get up out of the fart sack and make the most of the day.  I am striving to fulfill the common theme in the COT prayers of being a light to those around us.  I am working harder to lead my team at work with better vision and guidance.  I am working on becoming a more active participant in second F events.

Looking back at it, going to my first F3 work out at A-Team turned out to be one of the best steps I have ever taken.  Thanks guys.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Good Morning x 10 IC
  • Sir Fazio x 10 each direction IC (Slight interruption for 5 penalty burpees)
  • Cotton Picker x 10 IC
  • Calf Stretch
  • Standard Merkin x 20 IC
  • Mountain Climber x 20 IC

Thang 1

  • Brisk jog up to the top of the hill
  • Plank hold at the top or Pick up the Six
  • Standard Merkin x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Brisk job down the hill to the Basketball court
  • Squat hold or Pick up the Six
  • Break into two groups
  • Group 1 Suicides on the BB court
  • Group 2 Peoples Chair, flapjack
  • Group 1 takes the hill and sprints back to BB court
  • Group 2 Balls to the Wall, flapjack

Thang 2

  • Mosey to the field and form two lines w/each man 5 feet apart
  • Railroad Tracks – Pax in crab position
  • Close the ranks and get in plank hold for Tunnel of Love
  • Mosey to the shelter for fun
  • DIPS x 20 IC
  • Alternating Left Right Steps Ups x 20 IC
  • Earkins x 20 IC
  • Lunges to first light pole
  • Bear Crawl to second light pole
  • All You Got to the Flag
  • Repeat Lunches, Bear Crawl and All You Got


  • Freddie Mercury x 20 IC
  • Hello Dolly x 20 IC
  • Homer to Marge x 20 IC
  • Window Wiper x 15 IC
  • There were others but YHC can’t recall. 


  • Name-o-rama – 25 PAX (1 FNG named Blueprint) were all present and accounted for.
  • Announcements
    • F3 Dads Event – Saturday, August 26. Bond Park. 0900.
    • FIA – Females In Action launch Aug 12.  Soft launch 8/5 at Bond Park.
    • Petsounds is leading up the expansion of F3 in Chicago.  See him for details on how you can help.
  • Praises
    • Major praises for Yogi who performed a physical fitness test as part of the Wildlife Services officer.  His course time improved from 5:51 minutes down to 3:27 minutes.  Great job Yogi and we are all praying for your success on this job.
  • YHC took us out.


  • Leprechan was fast as ever.  He advised YHC that I didn’t catch him Wednesday at Tortus and I wouldn’t catch him today.  That’s a pretty safe bet Leprechan!
  • Thanks Sooey for helping me plan out the workout and being my driver!

See also