Station to Station, 90 feet at a time

Tortoises is supposed to be a “limited run” AO.  So be it.  But have you ever seen a really motivated tortoise move very quickly, for just a short distance. No?  Shut up.  Yes you have.  Tortoises move quickly quickly in small defined spaces.  That is what we do TODAY.  With a little baseball theme.  9 PAX took the challenge on this gloomy morning.

Warm Up

  • SSH (Nature Boy-style if you dare)
  • Cotton pickers
  • Sir Fazio arm circly things
  • HillBillies

Pre Thang

In an epic transition to The Thang, we mosey to the wall for some balls 2 the wall, then continue a tour of the parking lot.  Bear crawl over to pick up our coupons, which will be crucial for the little game of Around the Horn which starts right about…

The Thang

Four bases, and our goal is to play 9 innings.  Consists of:

  • Home: Coupon Curls and Coupon Hammers
  • 1st: Happy Jumping Spiders and Star Jumps
  • 2nd: Everyone’s favorite, the Pullup
  • 3rd: Squats and Diamond Merkins

We keep going around the horn, 9 reps each descending.


We make it about 5 innings before the time limit kicks in.  Finish it off with:

  • 10 Burpees w/clap (more on that later)
  • WWIIs, Dying Cock-A-roaches, Freddie Mercurys
  • Have a nice day


  • Count-a-rama: 9
  • Name-a-rama: 1 Respect, 7 Mehs, 1 Hate
  • Prayer requests: Spartan’s wife with surgery, those who have lost loved ones.
  • BOM: YHC took us out


It was YHC’s pleasure to do my VQ at Tortoises, the place I first posted around 4 months ago. Thanks to Disco Duck for the co-Q and for putting up with my random garbage.  On the Burpee clap.  Given the twittersphere controversy pitting F3 Carpex vs F3 Louisville, YHC decided to hold his own vote among the Tortoise PAX and the vote was solidly pro-clap.  So we clapped.

As always, jazz hands optional.

See also