Starting 11

Who would have imagined how closely today’s Hell’s Bells would mirror Poland’s sorry game against what should have been a lowly Slovakia?

But I suppose it was meant to be when the work out proceeded in a manner so similar to the game itself.

Here’s how it went down.


National anthems were sung and close-ups of millionaires mouthing the words were shown. Most of those on the pitch were born-and-bread representatives of their countries but, much like the Portuguese coach of the Polish team, some are foreign born.


Poland came out fired up. For the first few minutes at least. The ran around in circles and even joyfully took a few solid shots on goal.

And so it was with the PAX this morning. We ran the pickle and SSHs, Michael Phelps, GMs, IW, etc were done with enthusiasm.

Then came the…


Set of Turkish Get-ups, Lateral Raises and Swings.

Starting at 11… down to 2.

Much like the Polish team today, the PAX were enthusiastic to begin. But very quickly they realized Turkish Get-ups suuuuuuck. And they don’t get easier. Much like the Slovak defense. It just smothers you. You try a different approach. Maybe sitting up to the side works better? Nope. How about if I lift the kettle bell up first and then sit up? Or maybe the opposite. Poland did the same. Crosses across the middle… deflected. Runs up the sides… cleared. And most disheartening? FIFA Player of the Year Lewandowski barely made an impact. Much like the majority of PAX who were not able to reach our magic merkin milestone of 44 (or is it 45).

You get the picture.

And yet… we persevered. Despite being down 1-0 early, Poland stormed back to tie things up early in the second half. So too did I see a spark come back into the eyes of the PAX when, after rounds of 10, 9, 8 and 7, the Q allowed a reprieve of a simple lap around the pickle. Round 6 was attempted in gusto.

And then the wheels came off. Poland midfielder Krychowiak was booked for a second time and sent off with a red card. Poland was down a man. The PAX… similarly…. were down several. The Turkish get-ups had taken their toll and were being modified left and right as tricep extensions and curls and, weirdly, as LBCs. Slovakia took advantage, scoring a solid second goal and putting the match effectively out of reach.

Poland gave it a valiant effort down the stretch but the shots careened off posts and defenders and safely drifted into the waiting arms of the goalkeeper. But things got sloppy, with fouls and poor form everywhere. And in the soccer game too.

But they finished strong. And so did the PAX. Rounds of 4… then 3… then 2 were done with increasing gusto. And even though several PAX were looking at their watches to check the time, every effort was made to make sure each side got their chance.


15. One Hate… several Respects… one boot and one sockless beige brother.

Announcements: TCP Sunday

Prayers for Red Ryder’s mom and praises and prayers for Triple Lindy’s new position.


Today’s Poland v Slovakia game sucked. I can’t tell you how many major tournaments I’ve watched were Poland basically takes themselves out of it in the first game. And this year is no different. Losing to Slovakia means we need to beat one of Spain and Sweden and likely draw the other. That’s a tall order. Thought with those two teams tieing today… maybe there is hope.

But congrats to Slovakia. They were easily the better team. Better play by them all around.

And for something completely different… check out:

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