Start with a Theme, End with a Cluster

I hadn’t Q’d a workout in a while and a slot opened up at FWD so I thought, ”why not”.  Well, after a week of backpacking and a week of healing from backpacking, I was feeling a bit off this morning.  But hey, how bad can it be?  

It can be bad.  I rolled into the parking lot and the trunk of my car wouldn’t open.  So, the flag was there, it just wasn’t up. Lite Bright was kind during the EC run and let me set the pace.  We didn’t walk and that’s all I’m going to say about that. When we got back, I had forgotten my water and he didn’t have any either.  This morning was off to a great start.

The ever prepared Hermes planted the BIB flag, I stumbled through a “welcome to f3”, we said the pledge, and we were off.  Straight to the back of Pet Sounds truck. You see, this was a mildly themed workout. We were going to experience the highs and lows of my backpacking trip and we were all a little light.  Each one of us picked up two bricks and we ran across the street to the medical office park for the warm up.  

Circled up for SSH’s, merkins, good mornings, and wind mills.  

We then ran to the hill behind the office park.  Joe Smith did this with rocks at BIB and I hated it.  So I copied him.

Suicides.  Lunge walk up hill to the first light poll, do 5 squats, run back, do 10 squats.  Lunge walk to the second light pole, do 15 squats run back, do 20 squats, run up to the next light pole and do 25 squats and stop.

This was killing me.  I made many Q mistakes but the PAX was kind and they didn’t notice.  LOL - Sure. The PAX was passing comments thicker than gas after a late night grade B Tacho Bell run.  But it was all in good fun.

At the midway point, we put our bricks down and lined up shoulder to shoulder for AMRAP curb dips while the PAX on one end runs to the other end.  When he gets there, he yells “go” and the next PAX member goes. All the way up the hill. When everyone has gone, we do 5 SSH’s in cadence. Then we line up again for AMRAP merkins and do the same thing to go back down the hill.  Then we break and do 10 SSH’s in cadence. Someone who’s initials are YHC lost count. At least I didn’t fall and break a hip. Then we lined up for balls to the wall and went back up the hill. Once done, break and do 15 SSH’s in cadence.

Now we found ourselves at the top of the hill and we need to go down.  Run to the first light pole, 5 squats, run back, 10 squats, run back down to the next light pole, 15 squats, run back, 20 squats, run to the next light pole, 25 squats and stay there.  Unfortunately Mr. Mumble Chatter was chattering and didn’t hear the instructions and ran back up the hill.  

We waved at him.

We somehow got back to the FWD parking lot.  I was pretty gassed at this point and gave Pet Sounds back his bricks.  Hermes was working with our Nan’Tan who apparently moonlights as a travel agent.  I was jealous that Hermes was taking up all his time as I have vacations to plan too so I gently asked Hermes to call out a Mary exercise. I guess he only knows one so he called out LBC’s and proceeded to march to 100.  I was cool with that as I like LBC’s. At some point between 50 and 100 he ran out of fingers and toes and we stopped. Looking for a little variety, I asked our NanTan to provide a Mary exercise. Turns out he likes LBC’s too!  He ran out of fingers and toes sooner than Hermes and I closed us up with a little Have a Nice Day.

3 FWD + 3 BRR runners for coffeeteria.  


  • I need to Q more.  Practice makes perfect
  • Hermes has excellent mumble chatter.  I will Q again just to experience it.
  • Hermes found out that morning breath is a thing
  • My co-site Q has my back!
  • Trunk now opens, I had hit the valet button in the glove box at some point
  • Thank you for all the support.

See also