Start of Birthday / 4-yr F3-versary Week; McCants is a Beast who gladly shared the gloom beatdown with YHC

AO: A-Team

Date: 12/16/2019

Q: McCants & WWW

PAX: Bagels, Banjo, Build-A-Bear, Crimson, Frisco , Hamm, Henny Penny, HGTV, Honeycomb, Hotspot, How How, McCants , Press On , Prodigal , Prom King, Shank, Schlitz, 16 Steves, Short Circuit, Slim Shady, Smokey, Sour Mash, Two Factor, WWW

This all started a few months ago when I began planning my Birthday /4-year F3-versary week. As I was in the Q sheet, I noticed McCants had the Q slot for 12/16. I DM’d him to request if I could co-Q with him. He was going to give it up but I felt it was an opportunity to Q with a fitness beast.

Here is why I say that. About 2 years ago, McCants got into a serious accident while on vacation with his family. The good Lord shined down on him that day because it could have been a lot worse. Since that fateful day, McCants has worked his way back to fighting fitness shape today. If you posted in the gloom, you know what I mean. Read on for the details.

No FNGs. Mission, Core values, and Credo cited. We Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Co-QIC / YHC led the PAX to the normal warm-up spot.

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio, Shoulder stretch, calf stretch with some Eskimo Merkins.

After we are all warmed up, I handed the PAX off to the Beast, co-Q McCants. He said follow me and sprinted out the gates like a jet on a CAS (close air support) mission to rain down destruction on the enemy to the pickle near the big pavilion. At the pickle, he called LBC until the 6 came in. Mosey again to the pavilion for the thang.


L/R step-ups, dips and dirkins x3 rounds.

McCants had the PAX mosey to the bottom of the hill past the B-Ball courts for thang 2.

Thang 2:

QIC asked YHC what my favorite exercise was. YHC calls out Plank Destroyer. After the PD, QIC called All you got to the 3rd light pole and mosey back to the start. Repeato. All you got to top of hill for the 3rd and final time and then slow mosey to the big parking lot for thang 3.

Thang 3:

QIC called out ab work until the 6 is in. PAX on their feet for all you got to the end of the parking lot and then mosey back to start for more abs. Repeato.

After 3 rounds of this crushing routine along with birthday LBC, Freddie Mercury, and Homer to Marge. McCants handed off the PAX to YHC for more Mary exercises.


ABC and more Homer to Marge. Have a nice day.

COR: 24 HIMs

NOR: a lot of Respects and HIM


Frey Daddy event. Please support this event because it is to help raise money for Healing Transitions.

Prayers / Praises: All the travelers, all those who are on IR, and those recovering from the flu bug.


McCants rained down the beatdown and the HIMs are grateful for it. Thank you Sir for letting me co-Q with you. It was an honor!

Q #56 of 52. It is always an honor to be in the gloom with these HIMs. I’m charged to continue to accelerate.

Q #1 of 6 for Birthday / F3-versary week.

See also