Staring straight down 44

YHC has but few rules to live by. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Q on your birthday and your F3 anniversary. Maybe I’ve skipped a few between the second and third one on the list, but it was relevant on Saturday 8/10/2019 at Phoenix.

A crowd of Q-shoppers gathered along with one FNG (brought out by Blind Date, whom I’d not met before), and we issued a brief disclaimer and Mission, and headed off to the Community Center.

Warm-up: SSH x25, GM x10.

Oh, you need more warm-up? I got you. 11s with 1 standard, regulation, American-style pushup, 10 squats, across rows of parking spaces. Some jogging, some mericans, some squats. A perfectly cromulent warm-up.

Continue warming up on the mosey to the ball field lot. Squat for the six, then..

11s with Mike Tysons (feet on parking bumper, do a horizontal squat, then a ‘mercan. That’s 1.) and Freddie Mercury on the other side, L/R=1. Lap around the pickle when most were done to let the 6 finish.

Mosey past the ball fields to the spillway rock pile. Select a non-traveling rock.

11s with overhead press and goblet squat.

Mosey to the kiosk.

11s up the hill, burpee at the top, hand-release ‘mercans at the bottom. Most got to 6 or 7 burpees when we called time.

Mosey to the flag, in-the-flow Billy Run as desired.

We did an Ollie-inspired count-o-rama to determine the last exercise. The count was odd, so rather than 4ct flutter kicks, we did American Hammers, in cadence to… 44, naturally.

YHC has had the pleasure of celebrating 5 birthdays F3-style. Always thankful to be starting another orbit and for the chance to lead and be led.

Welcome FNG Jon Dohnson. Or John Donson? I guess we’ll see in a minute when I add the tags. I think it has something to do with the USCG.

See also