Star Power at the Pavilion

AO: Slippery When Wet

QIC: Bayonne

October 26,2018

Weather forecast:  Seriously gloomy… rain and 44 degrees. Perfect weather for a trip to Lochmere Pavilion.

5 HIM rallied for the default 0510 EC fellowship run ‘round Symphony Lake to warm up, while the other 11 pax emerged from the sack.  8:06 average for 3.1 with Chipper and Joe Smith felt fast… until compared to Denali and Chanticleer, who apparently lapped us.

Most of the Pax were appropriately clad in running gear.  Jiggly Puff felt compelled to run around in Blue Water’s 40 lb weight vest for some reason. He claimed it sucked. I can only imagine. And Worley: that North Face Fuzzy Jacket, I mean, tell me, did that make you just look faster, or was it real?  At least YHC  had the sense to leave the insulated sweats at home this day (vs. Kryptonite earlier in the week, where it was made known that no true HIM wears long pants to F3 in 40’s temps…)

Coffee with Oofta followed


Circle up. Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH’s,  Calf Stretch, Quad Stretch.

Brisk run up to Lochmere Pavilion, 5 burpees OYO at each of two light poles.

Thang 1

“Four Corners” (alright it was not really rectangular) around the parking lot, through the Pavilion, four rounds, four exercise per round, in a 25 count (more or less). I think that adds up to 400 reps. Q wasn’t about to call cadence on 400 reps, so he called OYO for most of it. It seemed to work out.

Round 1: Merkins, Squats, LBC’s, Star Jumps

Round 2: Diamond Merkins, Jump Squats, American Hammer, Starjumps

Round 3: Wide Arm Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercs, Starjumps

Round 4: Worst Merkins (Q called a mercy Recover), Lunges, Homer to Marge, Starjumps

Recover and Indian Run to Ritter Park Shelter

Thang 2

Find a table. Alternating Left-Right Step Ups x 25, Dips x 25, Low Low Slow Flutters x 25, Repeato


Pax called some abs.  Then an (apparently very brief) Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama: 16, no FNG’s Name-a-rama:  YHC Bayonne, Chipper, Worley, Blue Water, Joe Smith, Chanticleer, Denali, Oofta, Light Bright, Mufasa, Stetson, Freebird, Honeycomb, Strawberry, Jiggly Puff, Staubach

Prayers / Praises:

Praises from the Q for the brotherhood from F3, Prayers for Jiggly Puff and his father and family in the loss of his grandfather.

Staubach took us out.


Thank you men for trusting in me to lead today. As mentioned in the COT, YHC ordered up 100 Star Jumps mostly because they suck - nobody likes them. Doing things that are hard makes us stronger.

Many thanks to Oofta for his generous fellowship in hosting coffee for the HIMs most Friday mornings.

Over coffee time, Jiggly Puff’s weight vest drew attention from some PAX, curious to know what a 40 lb. vest feels like.  YHC was compelled to try…it’s heavy. Compels me to offer praises to our soldiers and Marines who sometimes carry 2x that weight in Battle Rattle.  We should all wear a weight vest from time to time in their honor.


See also