Stairway to 11's ReMastered Edition

I swear I signed up to Q on a warmer day!?

Warm up:

Fellowship mosey behind the Vesper Crew. I was secretly hoping to follow them to the park entrance/exit to see if I got any “excited” mumble-chatter. The best I got was a few pax followed them when they headed towards the kiosk thinking they were the bootcamp. Finish the mosey at the intersection

  • 20x - SSH IC
  • 10x - GM IC
  • 10x - Windmills IC
  • 10x - IW IC
  • 10x - KDK IC

The Thang:

Mosey back to the Community Center and grab a non-traveling rock that you could at least haul down the hill to the kiosk. Yes the irony. Set the rocks down and establish the start and finish for a set of 11’s starting with

  • 10x Hand Release Murcans (get on past them poles gals)

@ the kiosk we have a ladder starting from 1 go up to 11 and them back down every time we pass the kiosk pick up the rock and do…

  • 8-count rock yo body

@ the top of the hill past them poles again

  • 1x Jump Squats

We almost finished the full set but alas YHC only made it to 4 & 7 before we had to audible due to time constraints. I’m pretty sure Hi-Liter finished though.

Replace the rock back in the exact place you obtained it from.

2 Heats at the Billy Run Line starting area.

  • “Ready. Set. Go!!!”


  • Nada



None due the cold we were all buisness

Prayer Concerns - Those that were spoken and unspoken.


YHC led us in prayer.


So yep B-day turning 40 milestone type stuff. Usually punctuated with feats of strength such as Q’ing 7-8 workouts in a row while having a numbered theme. Unfortunately I’m just not salty enough to do that yet. Maybe I’ll have enough testicular fortitude when I’m 50? Anyway thanks for the b-day well wishes and for showing up to workout in the cold & gloom you guys make it all the more bearable.

See also