St. Paddy's Day at Lion's Den

With better weather than yesterday or tomorrow (cloudy and 40s versus storms), an insider’s scoop preblast from the site Q, and the opportunity to start off St. Paddy’s Day at St. Mary Magdalene’s, the chances were good for a decent turnout at Lion’s Den. As I tried to put together a decent routine to match, I thought to myself that things could get interesting, depending on how many people wear green.


Began with the pledge, then a mosey to the standard warmup site.

  • Top o’ the mornings, x7, like a good morning, but more reaching up and down.
  • Hillbillies, IC x13.
  • Imperial walkers, IC x13.

Thang 1 - Lord of the Dance’s Ring of Burpees

10 penalty burpees for each Pax not wearing any visible green. (Sorry Chicken Little, you’ll get credit next year with the kilt.)

With 10 offenders, some got a wee bit worried this was going to morph into a Hi-Liter Q, but instead we circled up and danced a little Irish jig while doing the burpees up to 100 one at a time. Befittingly, Lucky Charms was crowned Lord of the Dance.

Thang 2 - Erin go long

Partner 1 runs around the big pickle, then relieves Partner 2. Thanks to Imp for keeping us honest.

Partner 2 does AMRAP back and forth the loops

  • Round 1: Bear crawl
  • Round 2: Lunges
  • Round 3: Crab walk
  • Round 4: Broad jumps

Thang 3 - Lucky 7’s

At the auditorium-style stairs, a quick round of 7’s.

  • Bottom: One-legged bodyweight deadlifts, left-right is 1.
  • Top: Predator jacks. Maybe I delved into the Exicon, maybe I made shite up.
  • Jig up the stairs: 4-count hot feet up, then back down, then hop up a step, and repeato to the top.

Thang 4 - Four-leaf corners

Alas, no time to run from corner to corner. But we still got the exercises in.

  • Diamond merkins, 7-count.
  • Bonnie Blairs, IC 14-count.
  • Shoulder taps, IC 21-count.
  • Squats, 28-count.

Hail Mary, full o’ grace

  • LBCs, IC 17-count.
  • YHC forgot the name of the next exercise. Mumblechatter supplied several alternatives. IC 17-count.
  • Homer-to-Marge, IC 17-count.
  • Chillcut, 1 min.
  • Cobra pose, 30s.


18 Pax, several Respects, mostly meh’s, no hates. 2 excused and 2 unexcused absences.

Form week is coming up next Monday. Steaks really encouraged Ramsay to attend.

Prayers for Steaks’ coworker and a reminder not to run alone, even if you think you’re healthy.

Grateful for the many small blessings in life.

Call to Action

If you know someone who might be in want o’ F3, like the following bloke, bring him out! and of course, Make it a ~Green~ day.

See also