St. Nick Delivers

Monday, February 6th the day after the Superbowl/Krispy Kreme weekend. Tough draw day to Q (blame it on MaBell). The combination of queso, wings and hops had the PAX a bit sluggish but we pressed on. Let’s see how it turned out:


  • SSH;
  • Good Mornings - You’re welcome Burt;
  • Mountain Climbers;
  • Merkins.

Land Wars

  • Run to the big hill and grab a partner;
  • One partner runs up the hill and the other partner runs down the hill (Cone designates the middle);
  • Meet back in the middle for 15 partner hand shake merkins;
  • Run the hill twice or four segments (#mindblow).


  • Run to the forbidden office building parking lot;
  • Remain quiet;
  • Burpee Island Hop tour (1-10);


Indian Run from the office building parking lot to the Koka Booth fence keeping us off public property. What has Cary, NC come to these days? Does Kenny G have a gig at Koka Booth this weekend and the grounds need to remain spotless? Too many questions, too little time.

  • People’s Chair/BTTW

Parking Lot

  • Partner One runs/Partner Two does exercises;
  • Hand-release Merkins/Prisoner Squats/Sumo Jump Squats


Read a few C.S. Lewis quotes this morning and I won’t share them all but I’ll put my favorite.

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

Announcements - April 10th event at Healing Transition. It’s going to be a great event and I highly encourage everyone to attend. F3 and the Healing Transition have worked really well together and I’d love a big turn out!

Always an honor to spend the morning with the fine men of F3! - Denali

See also